
Why dont we have these fuel effecent cars yet, it has been 8 years?

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to the guys who said it take an average of 20 years to make changes? who do you work for? cars aint been around maybe 5 20 year cycles so a norm doesnt exist yet, and during WWII we switched from desil fuel to unleaded in 2 years




  1. you dont kill geese that lay golden eggs

    see who owns the petroleum business

    you are asking them to make less money

    Father Xmas also does not exist

  2. Cars are actually quite fuel-efficient.  They're vastly better than, say, in the early part of the 1900's.  Fuel injection, computers, and better transmissions have helped enormously.  The problem is that there are an awful lot of cars, and they compete for a finite amount of fuel.  It isn't the cars themselves that are inefficient: it's our transportation system of privately-owned cars and trucks.  Want fuel efficiency?  Try railroads.

  3. The average time it takes the public to make a major change of automobile improvements the norm is 20 years. The first models that come out are the more expensive for the new technology and as the new technology becomes more commonplace the less it costs. So, a truly fuel efficient care that is introduced today will become commonplace (affordable) in 2028.

  4. 8 years? since what?

    We have been aware since the mid 1960 period that  our supply of petroleum would run out eventually.

    Even with further supplies being found every year we have used up more oil than we have discovered.

    But we refuse to accept this. We treat it as a political failure if we do not get all the oil  we wish to use.

    We have had the Hypercar designed and built but nobody has stepped forward to invest in it. It would be offering 4 times the average mileage of cars in America... And yet nobody sets out to put it to production... complete lack of American self confidence? Are we depending on the big 3 to do this?

    It is not them who has done nothing, it is us.

  5. Well the environmentalist got involved and cost us about 20% in the name of reduceing pollution. So we have taken back steps on more efficient cars.

  6. During most of those 8 years, people were (and still are) buying gas-guzzlers. Manufacturers make what people demand.

  7. THere are fuel efficient diesels in Europe. Our EPA has kept them out of the country.

  8. Oil companies make trillions and have a super powerful lobby. Right now oil consuming cars, trucks planes ,trains and ships could be reduced to a fraction of what is used today if government and industry wanted to reduce it. Oil companies have bought out many patents that would have reduced oil consumption and have also even bought out electric rail trolleys and had them destroyed and the rail tracks demolished.

  9. we won't have fuel efficient cars as long as we are still using gasoline powered piston engines. the problem is the energy cycle that our cars operate on--the otto cycle. The otto cycle has a theoretical maximum efficiency of 40%, which we have not come even remotely close to.

    typically at least 70% of the energy your car uses gets wasted and expelled from the vehicle in the form of heat through the radiator, heat through the exhaust pipe, noise generated by the engine, and vibrations generated by the engine--none of which are realistically avoidable.

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