
Why dont we just put McCain and Obama on a deserted Island~??!!?

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and do a Survivor 30 day contest between the two~??!!!


they each get a Swiss Army knife, a copy of The Wall Street Journal, a case of Mountain Dew, one Blow Up Doll each (color of their own choosing), with a patch kit and pump~!!!

and one case of SPAM~!!!

whoever accomplishes the most during their 30 days, such as forming a Union, or get the lock on the Speculaion of Coconut and Bannana Futures, investments, off-shore drilling project, a church~!!!

y, the first one to finish up a SIMS City, without ANY assets or Credit to start out~!!!

Best Man Wins~!!!

well, what do y'all think~???!!!!




  1. Sure I think Obama can take the old man.

    Hahaha I'm just kidding. LOL.

  2. Your imagination amuses me.

  3. i dont think those have anything to do with the job they'd do as president. perhaps it would show their ingenuity but not much else. id rather a president that, yes could excel in business and politics, but wouldn't be a part of big business and deals and scamming the American people out of as much money as possible.

    i guess theres no hope then. stuff like that is required in the credentials.

  4. Love it.

  5. I like your idea. I think we should include Jessie Jackson and the Rev. Wright as well as Cindi MCain just to make things really interesting. No blow up dolls but each would get a case of beer, a case of pork n beans and  one set of clothes.

    Who do you think would win?

  6. The question just makes no sense.  McCain is a survivalist and would have to take care of Obama.  Obama's youth would help if they worked as a team.  The c**p about union and investments and projects would not be possible if they only had a magazine, knife and spam.

  7. Actually, that's what I think we shoudl do with the whole CNN crew...

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