
Why dont we talk about science as a joke?

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i mean just becuase it talks and looks for solutions to thins that are important for life,we dont need to agree with enjoying a perfect world so the problems are serious and so is the business right,., well i bet you are not a scientist




  1. As a scientist, I found that science was not a joke.  It was very serious business done by very serious people.  However, there were science jokes:  

    Johnny was a chemist,

    Johnny is no more,

    For what he thought was H2O,

    Was H2SO4.

  2. I bet if you asked a cancer survivor if he thought that the science that developed his cancer treatment was a joke, he would say no.

  3. If you think Science is a joke, you must not understand much of it.   Science has brought you all the material things that you use today, such as electricity, powered transportation, flight, radio and television, computers, more food production, better clothing instead of animal skins, medicines, you name it.  That's pretty funny, all right.

  4. I'm sorry, I don't understand your question.  There are many jokes about science (just google "science humor," for a start),  and actually, I AM a scientist, but I don't know what you're asking.

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