
Why dont wild animals have to go to the Dentist?

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Do they feel tooth pain and eat painkilling plants?




  1. If they get a broken tooth they may just starve to death (which s not uncommon). As far as tooth decay their diets minimize that.

  2. I guess they don't eat the sugary foods that rot the teeth in the first place.

    Just as well 'cos they couldn't find one on the NHS.

  3. i like to think that they have a dentist in the group, called gerrad, that they travel in, or if they are on their own that they are fully quallified dental practioners

  4. Animals do not have the intelligence to seek out painkilling plants. If they're in pain, then they put up with it, as they have no other option. If they are badly injured or in a lot of pain so they can't get food, they get weak and die, or fall victim to predators.

    Most wild animals probably don't have many tooth problems though. They eat what they are designed to eat, and their teeth actually get used, unlike pet cats and dogs which get tooth problems from being fed a diet of slop and sugar.

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