
Why dont woman use precautions?

by  |  earlier

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Woman r always talkin about how they gt knocked up by Accident OH PLEASE, Their r too many birth control options today for us woman




  1. It takes TWO, chickie.  Women don't get knocked up ALONE.

    Why do big mouth judgmental fools, like you, place ALL responsibility on the woman?

  2. You can't even spell!  And from reading your posts about having s*x with underage teens, you have no opinion that counts for anything.   You should be put away.

  3. accidents can happen whether you have protection or not!

    the last time i checked the man is just as responsible for protection as the woman is so its not just the womans fault!

  4. Every birth control option out there except abstinence has a certain failure rating.  There are a certain number of "birth control failures" even when women use it & use it properly.  Then you add in the ones who make a mistake (forget a pill or don't have a diaphragm positioned correctly) & the numbers go up.

    Yep, there are women (and men) who are just plain irresponsible & either don't use birth control or use it irregularly.  It really bugs me when those folks gripe about getting pregnant.

    If people are going to have s*x, they need to be prepared for the possible consequences of their actions (pregnancy, disease, broken heart, etc.).

    Again, abortion is not the answer.  The woman can make a choice to parent the child or to make an adoption plan for it.  If she chooses to parent it, she'd better be ready to sacrifice & put that child's needs first in her life.


  6. Sometimes women aren't prepared.  Your question should read:  why don't men and women take precautions?

    s*x is a two partner activity.

  7. I don't think you actually are looking for an answer. You merely want agreement with your soapbox.

    Birth control fails more often than you realize.  Even doctors know that BCP are not as effective as they were 20 years ago because they had to make them safer.  They only discovered 3-4 years ago that a good number of women ovulate twice a month, although have only one period.  BCPs may not work with this population, but there is no idea how many women experience this.

    A practice that is apparently popular is for the guy to put on the condom and then remove it before going on in. Unless the girl/woman is savvy, they don't know that there is no condom.  

    Instead of condemning everybody who has an accidental pregnancy, you should approach it from a far less accusing stance.  As far as I know, men are the only ones who can get women pregnant.

  8. I understand if the birth control fails!!! But, I agree with you, if the birth control of choice is not available can we develope some self control ppl? It kills me that there are so many that want children out there...and ppl come on here and go ooops omg what do I do... but, I guess that's me venting sorry!!!:(

    Good Question!!! I give you stars!!!

  9. And why don't you use spell check?  If you have something intelligent to ask, why not take the time to write it intelligently?  

    Until you have walked a mile in someone's shoes who is pregnant "accidentally", I would suggest that you do not pass judgment on them.

  10. Because it's like they don't want to think that they're going to actually have s*x, because then they'd think they'd be a s**t, even though they know deep down that they are panting for it. Sort of hope over experience.

    It's all part of the christeo guilt trip thing.

  11. Because sometimes the precautions do not work. Especially if a girl has the wrong birth control pill or the condoms break. I've personally never gotten knocked up, but I know it happens. Sadly- abstinence is really the only sure way to avoid pregnancy.

  12. So the guy has no responsibility in protecting himself at all..?


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