
Why dont women just date women?

by  |  earlier

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i mean women you ladies have all the nice curves, and beautiful skin, and s**y legs, and wear all the attractive clothing...

we guys have none of that to offer...

i dotn get it...




  1. haha men have a p***s

  2. some do but i don't  

  3. Most women are cursed with heterosexuality.

  4. Well it's not a bad question really! you are right! However, men do offer woman some things that woman just don't have.  

  5. It is upto your taste and wish....

  6. I totally agree with you and my answer is simple. My s**y,fantastic hunk of a man aint a woman! Thats why.

  7. Lol. I date men and women I don't think gender should matter.

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