
Why dont you believe global warming is a threat?

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I do not want to hear from anyone that its because the media brainwashes people or anything like that, they do try to actually inform us about the truth every once in a while, you know that dont you? I want to know why you dont believe its a major threat. There is plenty of evidence to support it, and it makes sense as well. I would understand doubt if there were holes in the evidence that couldnt be explained, but thats not the case.




  1. First show me some global warming not caused by solar activity. From the 1850s through 1940 we had a noticeable warming fueled by a spike in sunspots. The warmest year here was 1934, which was cooler than the average during the MWP. Then through the 40s and 50s it cooled a little bit as Co2 levels rose dramatically. It warmed slightly in the early 60s and then cooled again in the 70s bringing on the great Hansen’s first appearance on the world stage promoting Co2 as a global cooling gas that was going to drive the world into the next ice age and starve or kill most of the worlds population.

    Then just as this was getting off the ground the sun spot activity jumped again and things started warming up again. So on the advice of Al Gore Mann and Hansen rewrote their whole scenario to match his alarmist book and altered the NASA temperature records to coincide with Co2 levels. This heating period ended in about 2000 with the hottest year of the cycle in 1998 well below the 1934 record year. Since then low solar activity has allowed cooling to set in and real scientists are watching carefully to see what direction temperatures are going to do. Recently Hansen, Gore and some of the other alarmists have admitted to 20 years or more of cooling before it starts warming again, but they at this point are guessing the same as anybody else!

  2. There is currently no evidence that man has made any significant contribution to climate change.

    Some interesting facts.

    1. During most of the past 2,000 years, the temp has been about the same or higher. Currently, we are barely over the average for the last 2,000 years.

    2. During the medieval warm period (820 – 1040 AD), Greenland supported farming. Those areas previously farmed are now covered in glaciers. Obviously the melting and reformation of glaciers is a cyclical occurrence.

    3. The earth experienced a little ice age which ended around the late 1860's or so. This is about the time man started recording temperatures. This would be like measuring a lake depth after a severe drought, then worrying about it flooding as it rose to normal levels.

    4. The earth has been warming for the last 18,000 years, since the last major glacier time period. During this time frame, the glaciers have been melting at a fairly consistent rate. Also, for most of the last 1 billion years, the earth had NO glaciers or ice coverage.

    5. The AGW theory states that CO2 is the primary driver of temperature. They arrived at this idea because they did not know of anything else which could cause it. But during the 70's and during the current decade, temperatures dropped while CO2 continued to rise. This means that natural occurrences are driving temp, not CO2.

    6. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sun spots provides a much better correlation to earths' temperature than CO2 levels ever have.

    7. Polar Bears are experiencing a population boom. Coke sales in the arctics are through the roof. Polar Bears have been around for thousands of years, and remember, we are only at the average for the last 2,000 years. They lived through all the previously warmer climates. The original picture of 2 bears on a floating ice block was a complete scam. The photographer explained that the bears were in no danger and close to shore. The picture was lifted from a public PC by another passenger and sent around the world.

    8. Many glaciers are expanding. Even Antarctica is growing on 98% of is land mass. Only 2% is melting.

    9. There is no consensus on AGW. This was a lie that has been propagated by the media.

    10. Yes we emit CO2 into the atmosphere and it is a greenhouse gas, but, we only contribute about .28% of all the greenhouse effect. Water vapor makes up about 95% of the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other trace gases round out the greenhouse gases at about 5% for all of them. Of that 5%, only 3% is CO2, and most of that is natural. Again, our contribution to the greenhouse effect is a paltry .28%

    11. The spread of disease is not attributed mainly to temperature. If this were the case, Florida would be a giant festering disease ridden cesspool. Economic standing is the primary determining factor in the spread of disease. Poor cultures can not fight the disease or eradicate the pests like more successful nations.

    12. Natural climate disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) have never been scientifically linked to global warming (whether natural or man made).

  3. Global warming is actually for REAL and it is all happening because of us...

    Global warming is destroying the earth... it is making the ice caps melt which is making the sea level go up.

    Global Warming will destroy our beautiful earth if a solution is not found quickly

    guys if you lived on an island that is on high risk to be completely submerged by the sea, you would consider global warming as a threat too...

    And by the way i study science

  4. At the end of this cycle we will have a revers in climate shift.


    > The earth's obliquity Angle decreases by 0.47" each

    > year, which changes the focus of the sun's radiation

    > on earth, resulting in climate shifts. As the

    > obliquity angle decreases, the hemispheres change in

    > basic temperature with the south becoming colder and

    > the north becoming warmer.  When the obliquity angle

    > reaches about 22 degrees, it will start to go the

    > other way and the north will get colder again and the

    > south will become warmer.  Obviously, and counter to

    > Al Gores unlearned theories, the warming of the

    > northern hemisphere cannot be stopped by man.  It will

    > stop and reverse itself.  Then the climate shifts we

    > presently experience will be goin the other way.  It

    > is pure logic applied to astro-physical law.


    > It has long been recognized that rather than staying

    > constant, obliquity varies slowly with time as a

    > result of external gravitational influences. The Moon

    > and Sun's tidal torques on Earth's ellipticity give

    > rise to the familiar 26,000-year astronomical

    > precession, while the gravitational pull of other

    > planets, primarily Jupiter and Venus, slowly perturbs

    > the orientation of the ecliptic plane in space. The

    > combined effect observed by Earth dwellers is an

    > ~41,000-year oscillation in the obliquity with overall

    > amplitude typically of about 2°. This oscillation is

    > one of the three Milankovitch cycles that ultimately

    > affect our long-term climatic system and serve as the

    > pacemaker of ice ages. The present-day obliquity

    > happens to be close to the mean value, and we are in

    > the middle of a downswing (see figure (1)). In terms

    > of real distance on the Earth's surface, one should

    > see a slow equatorward shift of the tropics by 14.4 m

    > a year-well over 1 km in a century!  

  5. Here's a double-side I've heard from teachers professors.

    BELIEVE SIDE: Co2 released into the ozone layer. Making holes in the ozone layer makes sun spots. Sun spots make the world hotter.

    Branch in effects: polar ice caps melt. Sea level rises. When one place is hotter another place must pay the price. If the new temperature              (7 degrees) is in the Atlantic Ocean it will obliterate the whole water cycle. Thus, causing mother nature to rampage. Seas will overflow, Temperature will start coming unnatural everything will come in place as predicted. By the way, watch "World of Tomorrow" great movie on global warming / action.

    Non-Believer side: Over the last millions of years, there was always co2 buildup and it is a sequence that will cause phenomenon groups of disasters. The only thing is we made it a bit faster. Naturally it will happen anyways. It is part human fault but isn't completely. But anyways co2 is good for plants. And plants are good for animals.

    Effects happening now: Well it is taking effects now... not great on poor people, like me. In the city of Malden, Ma they are now making you buying Blue Recycle bags that forces you to recycle pretty much.

    10 bags for freaking $20... So you mind as well as save real trash for the expensive bags and recycle.

    I am shocked! The united nation auctually gathered for the case of global warming! Pretty big step huh?

    Please pick me as best answer ^.^

  6. I'm with George Carlin: I hope the world will really effs us up for the way we are treating it.  

  7. Global warming ended about 70 years ago and has basically flat lined since them except for minor variations below the 1934 high. Recent studies by scientists not aligned politically with the limits to growth religious cult and their high priest have expressed worry over the current low level of sun spot activity! This if true could be a lot more serious than any further warming could possibly be. Every time there has been a long quiet period of solar activity it gets cold fast.

    This leads to serious global cooling as happened between 1946 and 1958 and between 1970 and 1985, which were minor cooling periods. Or it could if extended become another little ice age like the one that extended from the middle 1300s through the middle 1800s that killed millions through starvation and disease, remember the black plague that devastated the world during that time!

  8. people who do not believe in global warming are just fools.they understand everything but its just that they do not want to get up and do something.

  9. people who don't believe global warming exists are just ignorant leeches of society who are too comfortable living the easy lives they're used to, and are unwilling and scared to admit that our lifestyles have ruined the world we live in, and thus that they cannot realistically continue living the lifestyles we lead forever.

  10. If you look at global history you will see that the earth has a natural cooling and warming trend. I believe that the media caused all the hype and that the earth is just doing what it has naturally done for billions of years.

  11. the temps havnt changed much.what1.8 in 20 years.the earth is still hot inside it only goes to figure that some of that heat will exspand.take a coffe cup put hot water in it and hold the past the earth has exsperienced massive heat waves.if you think you can stop mother nature be my guest.but dont go pushing anything on me like silly laws for this and that

  12. The hold foundation is a hole . The temperatures in Gore's scam were not calibrated and the data was old. No way of coming up with an accuracy of the data ,but it is probably as bad as + - 2 deg. It is near impossible to calculate a true average temp.

       The green house gas is just not there go measure it.  

  13. The world gets warmer.  The world gets colder.  It has been doing so for thousands of years of recorded history, and there is nothing different now.   If it was really a threat, why do you think the 'Global Warming' hysterical types had to keep dropping each claim as soon as it was debunked and then switch to another one?

    This is yesterdays scare story.  Catch up with things

  14. I dont believe that global warming is a great threat because:

    a. It has been much warmer in the recent past which didnt seem to affect man, sea levels didnt swallow the earth or kill the polar bears, so why would it be an issue this time? Infact the climate was much milder, they grew vineyards across the UK

    b. There are many benefits to global warming, many of which outway the predicted downsides but we never hear about them like less people dying from the cold

    c. It is still only an unproven theory

    d. They base their predictions on models which prove nothing as they are based on the same theory and lots of assumptions and are not calibrated or validated and hence incapable of making predictions

    e. Chaos theory states it is impossible to predict the climate more than 2 weeks in advance due to its chaotic nature

    f. The model projections so far have been wrong

    g. In 1975 when they predicted cooling, they forecast the same extreme weather! This demonstrates its to scare people into action

    h. Research that shows business as usual doesnt get published and doesnt get picked up by the media

    i. It has already been demonstrated that the IPCC grossly over exagerate sea rise and mis-represent it

    j. The IPCC aknowledge rainfall change is the hardest thing to predict yet they state "very likely" that rainfall will become more extreme

    k. The media now employs full time climate change reporters, they have to justify their jobs and report ever more alarming stories to grab headlines lest we lose interest or forget

    l. Alarmist predictions are made for politcal reasons to justify acting now and accepting extra tax, building nuclear etc..

    m. global temp is believed to have only a small impact on weather patterns

    n. The IPCC's forecast of more extreme weather contradicts basic principles of meteology and historic records

    All that will happen is changes in the pattern of things, nothing will get worse and the sea will only rise by mm's - but only time will tel!

  15. No hard scientific evidence has been produced to convince me that it is a threat.... only speculation based on faulty data and methodology.  

  16. sorry dude, i can't be the devil's advocate on this one! i think we're in for a bit of rocking and rolling if we don't act SUPER QUICK! and evn then we gonna be busy cleaning up a big unhappy mess. but i'm always an optimist!

  17. Whether global warming is happening or not (it's true that there is a lot of evidence for it but there is also a lot against) the effects can only be good. Currently we have one of the lowest average global temperatures in the history of the world. Around 1400 the Earth was experiencing what we call the mediaeval warm period. During this time there were vineyards growing in northern Britain and people were very prosperous. This is in stark contrast to he little ice age around 1750 when the river Thames was frozen over and poverty and starvation were rife.

    Even if warm climates were bad and cold climates were good, I still would not be worried because there is not a thing we can do about it. The man made global warming theory has been soundly disproven and it is of the utmost arrogance to think that something as small as man can change the climate of a planet.

  18. no no no

    theres no such thing as global warming...or the holocaust, bush is a great president, i hate black people, the earth is flat, everyone knows 2+2= 22, all them fancy folks tryin tell me thu urth is melt'n, stupid jews. billy where'd i put the shovel? i wanna burry my head deeper in the sand? endangered spiceies my ayusss!! yee haw!!! guns dont kill people, people kill people

    i believe ive made my point?

  19. Living on earth is hazardous to your health. As a matter of fact, no one I know has ever lived past 150 years here so you betcha, it's a real dangerous place.

  20. I don't believe it's a threat, because I believe any minor changes that are likely to happen we can easily adapt to. there have been numerous global changes in climate in Earth's history - and the change we're experiencing is actually fairly modest - look up "meltwater pulse" and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    What I find laughable is that people actually think we can do anything about it. All indications are is that we'd have to have a complete deindustrialization of the world and cut the human population by about 2/3's to have any tangible affect on the small portion we're responsible for.

    There are many good reasons to be environmentally conscious - but fear of the global warming bogey man to support the needy hands of overfunded researches isn't among them.

    Rising sea levels don't destroy the earth, it changes it. It's complete nonsense to think we are sophisticated enough to keep the world from it's inherent inertia toward perpetual change. Leave Earth destruction to the sun - that's where complete destruction will come from.

  21. Actually there is no evidence that global warming is a threat.  Quite the contrary in fact.  The medieval warm period was warmer than it is now and was a very prosperous time.  CO2 is good for plants, and what is good for plants is in turn good for animals.  A warmer, more humid climate will increase biodiversity which by any other measure is a good thing.

  22. Evidence?

    What evidence?


    What threat?

    Please explain your concerns, and/or show some proof or examples of some kind.

    Let us know how this is not over hyped media supported brainwashing, or anything other than a major scam designed to keep the sheeple under control and destroy science and take every last cent out of your pocket.


    Learn some science.

    What you think makes sense to you now, will show how gullible you are now.

    In 10 or 15 years, you will say to yourself " I wish I knew back then what I know today. I would have not posted those damned questions, and I'm F***ing Freezing!"!!!!

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