
Why dont you believe in god?

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Why dont you believe in god?




  1. i dont believe in god because in my life i have come to the conclusion with the knowledge and experience that i have lived, that the religious god does not and can not exist

    because the religious idea of a god is a sociological ideal of perfection that is unrealistic, illogical and improbable

    and because there is no tangible evidence for any such a being existing

    and because there are no theorys as to how such a being coudl exist

    and  because if there was any such a being, there would be measurable effects

  2. Who said that I don't believe in God, yes I do, thanks

  3. 1 look at the news peopul die evry day,

    2 peopul ask for god to do stuff for em but nothing hapans but if they say it did nothing shows it did,

    3 dinosaurs lived befor humans but do you see the bible talking about em?

    4 adem and eve were the 1st peopul to be born then thair child left and marryed another human from out side the garden - how can adem and eve be the 1st thair whair did the others come from

    5 peopul are being killed, abused, torchered, even america is killing the world thanx to the terebul presedent and peopul are hating the pore whair's god when you need him???

    i'm a 15 year old athiest!!!!

  4. Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    There simply cannot be a loving god with followers like that!!

  5. because it isn't real, WAKE UP..

  6. I was tempted to ask 'which one' but the Atheist beat me to it. I'm assuming you mean the Christian god.

    I don't believe the Christian bible because I've read it. Also the book is supposed to be the word of the Christian god, and I cannot believe in an infallible deity based on the testimony of a flawed book.

  7. To be honest everyone believes in a higher form of life, it's just human nature, some believe in the almighty lord while others believe in Aliens from another world... nobody is immune to it, but God himself.... well science, physics and mathematics just can't prove it and as the old saying goes... math doesn't lie, people do. But at the same time, allow me to say that even though I do not believe in God... I have nothing but the deepest respect for those that do, it is hard to have that kind of faith, and anyone who does have it, to me, is quite admirable.

  8. Which one/s?

  9. I do not believe in deities (yes, your deity is not the only one to be created) is because there isn't a single shred of evidence supporting their existence

  10. I have not been given any compelling reason to.

  11. Because U haven't seen GOD, that's why u can say that u don't believe in it.

    GOD is a concept which has created mankind, this earth, sun, trees, planets, water and everything visible or non-visible (i.e. air, demons and angels, h**l and heaven etc). If there is a power which we all believe in and that has created all this universe, why can't it be seen??

    Now, I ask you a question. Who gave you birth?? Your Mother and Father right! If you can see the creator of your physical body, i.e. your Father and Mother, then why can't you see the creator of your soul and this whole universe. In fact, it is the birth right of every human being to see GOD!!

    You can see your parents thru your physical eyes, right! But GOD can't be seen by these Physical eyes! There is a third eye that is needed to be opened in order to see the GOD. Just like butter is there in the milk itself, but it can only be extracted thru a special process, as is fire is present in wood, but there is a special process needed to bring it out, i.e. rubbing it. That is how GOD can only be seen thru third eye or divine eye which is present in every human being.

    That third eye can be opened by a perfect master only!

    Now the good news, you can see GOD too. Visit

    Or if u want to ask any more questions, u r most welcome!!...Good Luck... :-)

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