
Why dont you grant money to make 100mpg cars since we have the tech?

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We spend 20Billion in gallons but can produce 17Billion! I dont think the democrats give a d**n about us. And even though the technology is here, you wont do anything cause you rather have money in your pockets from the oil companies and the auto companies. But you dont give a d**n! Because the more you hold off the more jobs get sent over seas! Because of your stupidity!




  1. they try to blame the war, but when i was in iraq we used kuwait's fuel they donated. so thats bull, they need to investigate companies like halliburton that charge outragous prices for regular work in iraq, then the oil companies can raise prices and point fingers elsewhere when they are making record profits. they have bought the politicians to allow this to happen- now heres what you do... buy a deisel vehicle,spend a thousand to retofit it for use and produce your own biodeisel from waste veggie oil, it can be done by yourself and your cost pr gallon of fuel is about a buck a gallon. a savings of $$$$ depending where you live. you can change the gearing in the rear axle and increase on some mileage per gallon depending on vehicle

  2. please site a source for these 100MPG cars.

    that would be better than most scooters get with their little itty-bitty motors.

  3. Coupla reasons,

    1.  Most 100mpg cars are not actually 100 miles per gallon (such as the suped up Pruis).  They use electricity from the mains which is generated using stinky old oil/coal/nuclear power.  But hybrid technology is going mainstream and this tehnology is getting better all the time - and that is something to be happy about...

    2.  The other way to make a car really fuel efficient is to have a really small engine - then you can drive really slowly while everyone else zooms past on the freeway.  Not an option for the masses unfortunately.

  4. Big Oil, Big Money Not going to happen Big Oil, Big Money controls everything we do, use or say on a daily basis,Big Oil,Big Money the greed we made.

  5. You do know that there are cars that get 135+MPG. Do some research before you start ranting.

    thats just 1 place they sell efficient cars. And you can always modify a hybrid like a Prius to get 100+MPG. Stop bitching and blaming other people about this problem and do some work yourself. Complaining about the problem does nothing.

  6. Good idea!

    Someone just thought of doing that 2 months ago, and are going to give away $10-$100 million dollars to a 100 mpg car.

    Hey that might work!

  7. You answered your own question. MONEY! Except I think you confused the republicians for the democrats. Its the republicians that don't give a c**p!

  8. Nice rant.  Do you have a clue what you are talking about?

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