
Why dont you wash and dry your dogs behind?

by  |  earlier

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now it seems logical to me that if i got some awful smelling revolting stuff on me anywhere at all, i would not simply wipe it off, i would wash it and make sure it smells nice afterwards.

However it seems most people leave our poor dogs behind, mucky, and dirty and smelly, they even pick the dog up or even take them to bed or onto the sofa transfering the poo along with it.

Or when dogs do wee in the wind, and get all their underside messed with wee, then run into your car sit, well thats not the dogs fault is it.

Yet amazingly it used to be the norm for people to go poo in pots at home, then simply chuck it out the window, so i quess we are still primitive in the way we behave and think.

The day will come when we see how bad this all is for us and our poor pets.




  1. I remember your questions from the past.  You see to have issues with poo.  I suggest seeing someone about that.  

    Query:  how does one get rid of troll stink?

  2. ....

    Dr. Dog

  3. not in my house! our dogs get bathed twice a month and every centimeter of their bodies are washed... EVERY centimeter... if it turnes out they have stepped in, sat on, leaked upon, or accidentally 'stood up too soon', they will get that area washed, completely... the reason is, we like our dogs.. we like to pet them and play with them.. if they are stinky and dirty, we dont want to be around them, and we like being around them.. so, we keep them unstink and undirty :):):) lol

  4. let me answer your first question the best I can.

    We don't wash the doggy's behind cuz that is like washing someone else's a$$.I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to do that.

    And besides,dog's don't have aren't like us so the p**p don't even get on them unless they step on it.When they pee,boy dog's don't get it on them of course unless....don't wanna get into that.Girl dogs don't get it on them either.

    So as for the rest after your question,it only seems that you want to debate cuz you give your side,so then I give my side.But I am only trying to answer your question and do not want a thumbs down or something.So sorry but I'm only here to help.

  5. I have no idea why owners (some as you mention) do not wash their dogs' behind when it gets messy by whatever means.  I always cleaned by dog's behind and trimmed her fur around her butt when necessary (she was a sheltie).  

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