
Why dose Al Gore have the hurricane spinning the wrong way on the cover of The Inconvenient truth?

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How stupid dose he think we are? If you go to the web site, its animated spinning clockwise. Hurricanes spin counter clockwise!!! Why did he do that?




  1. K people, so let me get this straight, the hurricane just stops and starts spinning the other way once it crosses the equator? That doesn't make sense. That would take a lot of force to get it to slow down going one way, then go the other way all of a sudden with just the same amount of force.

  2. It's sad that people like him can get away with it by simply purchasing "carbon offsets."  This means that he can consume and pollute all he wants, while we who already live modestly have to actually cut back on what we actually need.  And our conservation just leads water and power companies to raise prices (which means we pay more for less) when prices are already going up because of inflation.  And since people like him are actually getting wealthy on this scheme they will just use even more--which "offsets" any conservation on our part in the first place.  What an evil scam!

  3. Have you heard of Google, 5 seconds research found this

    While most spin in one direction it is possible for them to spin in the other as well although it is rare.

  4. He's a tool.

  5. So that idiots like you would have something else to ***** about.

  6. corrillius effect is not 3 words

  7. i think that the reasoning of the photo is as follows . deception of the ignorant is his strategy of wealth. thus taking the uneducated into his trap. as i see it the hurricane is spinning INTO the smokestack of his mansion in Tennessee that uses 600 to 800 times more energy than the average u.s. citizen ,if not more ,which he was able to obtain through ,deception of the ignorant.  MY ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS........THE ENERGY OF THE HURICANE ,IS  GOING RIGHT INTO HIS POCKET.  P.S tennessee is south so the idiots that say he is helping them ,should take a look at  his way of living.

  8. because his movie is all a big lie.........................

  9. poor editing.

  10. Doesn't he spin everything the wrong way, I think it is starting to come natural to him.

  11. That would go well with the other 35 lies or half truths contained in the movie.

  12. Three words: Coriolis Effect

  13. You realize, don't you, that the direction a storm like that spins is contingent on which hemisphere it is located?  One in the Northern will rotate a certain way while one in the Southern will do the opposite.

  14. It's a southern hemisphere tropical cyclone.  He probably thought you knew they went clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

    Edit:  Charley was a very compact storm (I heard one scientist describe it as being almost unphysical in that it was so small (e.g., eye diameter of something on the order of 5 miles, maybe) yet with very high winds).  Images from Charley don't look anything like the image on the cover of An Inconvenient Truth.  It is possible that Gore flipped the image over in production, but it is more likely he got a good picture of a S. Hemisphere cyclone and used it instead.  Of course, I say this fully realizing you are not thinking about this rationally, but it's important to point out there is a cognitive disconnect between what you want to believe (i.e., that storm is Charley) and what is likely to be true (i.e., Gore spoke of Charley (he often does relating the difference in response between Charley and Katrina) and never said the image was of Charley).

  15. He was probably a little tipsy. He is really down to earth you know.

  16. He knew that none of his global warming alarmist sheep would be smart enough to notice, and was kinda hoping no skeptic would see it.


  18. Hurricanes spin clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Al Gore made the false assumption that you were smart enough to know that.

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