
Why dose a ship float????

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  1. Ryan, a boat floats because water is so heavy. The water pushes up on the boat until the boat cannot push down any longer. The water does not go up over the sides because the water is balanced with the weight of the boat.

    A boat or ship floats just like a cereal bowl does in a sink or bathtub. It only sinks down a little way. That is because the water is heavier than the bowl. If you add water to the bowl, you add weight to the bowl, and the bowl will go down more in the water. If you keep adding water to the inside of the bowl it will sink, since the bowl and the water in it cannot be held up by the water, because they weigh more than the water they move away, or displace.

    Remember, a ship or a boat may be made of heavy stuff, but it is mostly air inside, and as long as the air is still there, the boat or ship will float, since the whole thing is lighter than the water it occupies.




  2. Here is a great website that explains it. It is a website for kids so it is a little comical.

  3. It displaces water as it sits atop of it and the design of the boat it to allow enough displacement area to be bouyant according to its weight

  4. Buoyancy

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