
Why dose fine rain wet you more than big drops of rain?

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Why dose fine rain wet you more than big drops of rain?




  1. A sudden down burst can get you soaked in seconds but large rain drops usually are more spread out or can be.  Fine rain as you call it,  is more like a misty rain which falls in a denser fashion..  more rain per sq inch... etc

  2. Was going to quote Peter Kay but it's already been done.. Right now, it's spitting!

  3. fine rain wets you because there is more rain drops and it last much longer then fat rain and comes down faster plus there is little space in between each drop in fine rain so your get really wet

    harder it rains the wetter you get

  4. Because there is more drops with fine rain and also you stay outside longer, don't use an umbrella or don't put your hood up because you think "Oh it is only spitting it's not that wet and it'll pass soon"

  5. because there is more of the fine drops so it makes you wetter

  6. Cause it soaks right through! LOLOLOL that phrase always got to me.

  7. It is a load of s**+* that saying.

    It cant possibly wet you more.

  8. You get wet all over evenly rather than say, 20 fat drops here and there

  9. cos theres more of it.. its more dense

  10. Fine rain does wet you more than big drops of rain, but when there will be a storm you real get wet

  11. Lots of little drops have a bigger surface area than one large drop.

    Fine rain soaks you through!!

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