
Why dose my LCD screen turn a pinkish color when I take photos outside in the sun dose not efect pics?

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screen turns a lite when I take outdoor pictures but pics come out fine it's an olympus p.s. c770




  1. Hi Crusher.... guess not too many people know the answer to your question.  Perhaps my opinion might help.   If the screen only demonstrates this occurance in the daylight.... not inside and it does not affect the pictures,  it is due to a coating that Olumpus has placed on the LCD monitor to make it a little easier to see in bright sun.  Sort of like coated sun glasses.   I have heard of that happening.  I have one of the older Olympus' that has no protective coating and it really is hard to see the pics when I am outside.  Don't worry about it... as long as your pictures are coming out fine.  Great Shooting!!!

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