
Why dose my kitten bites

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my kitten is 3months old and hes bitting like crazy his baby teeth are comming in dose that have anything to do with it??




  1. yes, i think that's the main reason--it's just like a human baby when they are 'toothing' :)

    lol but it also is still a kitten--playing and biting everything

  2. Yeah, and he's a kitten...they bite and play...very normal.

  3. It's teething, also kittens are very playful, biting, scratching, and the like are all natural.  

  4. It is just being playful. It shouldn't be biting hard?

    It it is, stop letting her bite you.

    If you let alot alot alot of biting go on, painful or not, it might lead to a bitting elder.

    That's what hapend with my cat. But when i got another kitten, I didn't let her bite me and she turned out fine...well...except for the fact that she went mentally insane and we had to get rid of her...

  5. He is teething!

    So his beautful teeth will be really strong!

    When they do it also feels good!

    It is like a baby teething!

    Yes it does!

  6. Yeah it does. When your teeth as a kitten, and even human, are falling out, it tends to have a numb-ish pain feeling. For some reason, pressure tends to help. Also, there is an unproven theory that they are trying to help the process out, but knocking a few teeth out on their own.

  7. mabey, its kind of like babies they need to chew of things to help pain or discomfort. wait a wile and if not mabey talk to a vet. :)

  8. well babies also bite thins when they are developing teeth so I an pretty sure that that's what happening to the kittens.

  9. yes + it wants more attention.    I do that too

  10. My kittens did that as well. I took it as normal and them being playful. Try getting them something hard to chew like...a mouse toy or something...

  11. cats are always like that its their nature. I have a cat named Special, she used to that a lot more when she was younger. She still does bite but not as often since she grew up.

  12. it might, he might just be playful too! i wouldn't let him do it to much cause he'll think it's okay and it will be come a bad habit, one that will be hard to break!

    push him away when he does, don't let him bite you! (because of what i said earlyier)


  14. yes its teathing. You can massage his gums with your figures like you would with a baby or give him some toys, but yes they hurt and itch and they are very irratated.

  15. its just trying to be playful it doesnt understand pain yet

  16. Young kittens between the ages of 3 weeks old and 8 months old will be teething off and on, and will have very strong needs to bite.  Just like baby children, kittens are born without teeth, start getting their first baby teeth at about 3-4 weeks old, then they will lose their baby teeth and have their adult teeth come in up until the age of about 8 months old.  So the trick here is not to keep them from biting; but rather, to provide them appropriate items to bite.  We use heavy-duty plastic drinking straws with our kittens, (being careful to cut off any bitten ends and discard the entire straw before it becomes dangerous, as with any toy), and train them from the start that toys and straws are purr-rectly fine to bite, but human body parts are off-limits!  If a kitten learns this from the start, there is hardly ever an inappropriate biting behavior as an adult.  Some cats start biting out of frustration after they have been de-clawed.  Some cats start biting out of misplaced aggression, which usually can be countered by providing the cat a feline playmate, and/or providing them more cat toys, cat furniture, and making their environment more stimulating for them.  Any time the kitten bites you make a loud “yowling” sound. If you’ve ever witnessed a cat get hurt, you will probably know what this sounds like. After you yowl, walk away and ignore the kitten. Never yell at or hit a cat. At all times, it is critical that you be thinking and acting on the firm belief that "toys and straws are for biting; human hands are for giving and receiving love.”

  17. its mean

  18. yes hes teething

    get him some toys to chew on so you dont teach him to bite people

  19. yes yes yes, if its teeth are coming in then your kitten will wont to bit like crazy the same things happen to humans when they are developing teeth. i insist on getting you kitten some chew toys, and do worry the bitting should only last like 2-3 weeks

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