
Why dose my kitten do this ?

by  |  earlier

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Iv had my kitten for a mounth and its been good until hje started pooin in the BATHTUD. Dose anyone now way hes doin that and how i can make it stop ???????????????





  1. Did you change the type of litter recently? Do you keep the litter box clean?

    Cats like clean litter boxes, and once they get used to one kind of litter they have trouble adjusting to a new kind.

  2. cats are strange, mine used to go on my bed YUCK. I had to get her fixed and make her an outside cat. i hated doing that but she wouldn't quit no matter what i did

  3. i dont know why ur cat would do this but to make her stop u can maybe keep water in the bathtub all the time and keep the litter box in the bathroom hope this helps :o)

  4. Kittens can't control themselves as well as adult cats. If the litter box is far away, it will find the next best thing to do its business in. Try putting another litter box in or near the bathroom.

  5. when my kittens got locked out of my room (where the litter box is) they went in the shower. IDK why. But i guess its better then on carpet.  

  6. Cats are very sensative to smells.  Are you cleaning your litterbox everyday?  What kind of litter are you using? If the cat doesn't like the smell or feel, he/she won't use it.  If you have more than 1 cat, you should have a litterbox for every cat in your household (they do use each others), and the litter should be about 2-4 inches deep.  I find Tidy Cats with crystals is the best for finicky kitties (not the one with JUST crystals).  Don't use the cheap stuff, most cats don't like it.  If the cats doesn't respond to these changes, you may want to get the cat to a vet for a complete check up.

  7. Cats/kitten's pooping patterns can actually tell alot about them. If a cat is litterbox trained and then starts pooping elsewhere, it can mean a few things. Have you taken the kitten to get its shots yet? A cat being box trained and then going to the bathroom elsewhere could mean that they are sick. Cat leukima is actually more common then alot of cat owners realize. Not to mention, it is contagious. So, mention that to the vet when you take the kitten in to get it's shots. The vet probably has a good idea of how many cases of leakima are in your area. Especially if the cat is going to be outside at any time. The second thing that the kitty's ill manners could simply  that he/she is upset with a change. It could be the move from the mom and the house to your house. It could be the switch in litter. The switch in food. If you are ever going to switch litter or food, make sure it's a gradual change. Mix some of the new in with some of the old first, ect. In vet suggested that you always mix foods. For two bags of that is cheaper for filler, and one that is more expensive for the actual ingrediants that your cat needs.  Also, some cats will not use the litter box if it isn't clean. So make sure you are cleaning it at least once a day, maybe more. Is it locked in the bathroom or any other room ever? My cat would get really upset when she couldn't go outside, and she started pooping on our bed. She'd even wait for me to be home on my lunch break in the middle of the night, so that I'd see her doing it. Cats need space and toys to entertain themselves. If you choose not to let the kitty outdoors, then make sure you get it some toys...mice, balls, feather toys, scratching posts, ect. I suggest doing the best you can to comfort the kitten. I'm willing to bet that it will go back to the box if you keep it clean. But if you can't wait for trial and error to prove that, then there are other things you can do. There is a chemical spray for cats that you can buy at almost any grocery,pet or general store. I can't think of the exact name of it. It's Hartz a purple can. I'm sure there are others too. But you can spray it on furniture and places that you want your cat to stay out of. It works pretty good. Just make sure you read the instructions first and avoid spraying it near the cat's food, ect. That will cost about $5.oo. I've been told also that clove can be used as a cat repelant. But I've never tried it. I hope your kitty is okay,...and you aren't too annoyed. I promise it will stop when the kitty is happy and well. :)

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