
Why dose the U.S.govenment want to produce fuel out of corn, when sugar cane is the way to go?

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  1. I have told potato peels work well also.

  2. Interesting.  I see you have 11 answers, so far, so I'll throw in the questions of 1) which crop is the most labor intensive 2) what are the yield factors per acre 3) which crop throws off the most waste to dispose of 4) where are the refining facilities located 5) what are the freight costs per ton 6) which crops are most drought-resistant 7) what are the wear factors on vehicle engines 8) what are the comparative environmental effects 9) are the crops interchangable at the refineries 10) what can happen before and beyond the storage facilities in terms of handling and transporting.  Anybody add anything?  If successful in a big way (in all ways, including environmental) either crop would employ U.S.workers and stop the drain of X-numbers of dollars out of our economy.  (So some sacrifices would be acceptable.)

  3. is brazel  on the moon

  4. Brazil has more territory suited to the growing of sugar cane...we are in a different climate and can better produce corn.  Biofuel can come from many different crops, each best suited to its geographical region...

  5. Corn is cheaper and easier grown.

  6. we dont have vast areas of land to grow this crop.  We are working on cellulosic ethanol that will do the trick even better.

  7. The amount of corn or whatever that you would have to grow to meet the worlds demand for fuel would be staggering. You would cut down on emissions, but you would also have to destroy a lot of natural habitat to accommodate all the added farming. Not a good solution to our energy crisis.

  8. Is it?  We live in America, not Brazil.

  9. We have access to more corn than sugar cane.

  10. U.S. don't have enough land with right climate to grew massive amount og sugar cane.  Sugar cane grows well in warmer more trapical climate.  However, U.S. does have ginormous amount of carn field, over abundant amount.  When refinded, corn syrup yields as much fuel as the sugar from sugar cane.

  11. I doubt I'd take advice from someone who cannot spell the word DOES or BRAZIL.

  12. The U.S. has a temperate climate and is too cold and dry to grow sugarcane. Plus, corn is already the U.S.'s number one crop.

  13. Yahoo News posted an estimate about a year in which a researcher claimed that it would take about 16 acres of farmland to grow sufficient fuel crops to power ONE car for ONE year.  So both corn and sugar cane are pretty dumb ideas to me.

    And speaking of Brazil, heres what they did and are doing:  burning down the very rain forests that are the single most efficient natural machines that can remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

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