
Why dose the kids think that they know more then there parents?

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Why dose the kids think that they know more then there parents?




  1. because its usully a teenage thing!!

  2. Most of the time we do. We're born into a world that has advanced beyond what our parents are used to, and we become accustomed to whats brand new and often overwhelming to them. That goes without saying how much school has advanced. My mother can't even work a computer!

    This doesn't apply in all cases at all, just my two cents.

  3. My son is 5 years old and already acts as if he knows it all!! its Funny but thats just how it is.. think about when you yourself thought you knew everything and your parents just didnt.. same thing

  4. When children encounter a new thought or idea in THEIR MIND it is solely theirs. Their parents couldn't possibly know or understand, right? Parents DO NOT ALWAYS have an answer for the plethora of questions children come up with! That is probably ONE reason why children think they know more than their parents. Their parents lack of knowledge. Also, SOME parents seem to forget how to relate to children down the road.  

  5. Because if they have parents like you they obviously know more about grammar.

  6. Because children, until they have reached a certain level of maturity, are generally self-centered and and care only for themselves and their wants. Children will generally act like they know more than they do because it's just one of those things that children do to get more attention. Just like lying about yourself. I know myself, as a child, have lied about the most silly things. Sometimes it's just to impress you.

  7. Why DO kids think that they know more THAN THEIR parents?  

  8. Mabye it's because, I don't actually know, thats a good question!

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