
Why dou you think global warming is not real?

by Guest32984  |  earlier

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Yesterday i put a question on global warming and most of people did,nt seem to believe it,s for real. Hurricane Katrina does,nt seem to have delievered any message to you.




  1. i agree. come on people, even the PRESIDENT realizes we need to do something about climate change. and he's basically retarded...

  2. Why in the world would Hurricane Katrina be the final say as to whether global warming is real or not? One isolated natural disaster is what confirms global warming to be true? Check this out:

    "Gore says Hurricane Katrina, that devastated New Orleans in 2005, was caused by 'global warming.' It was not. It was caused by the failure of Gore’s party, in the administration of New Orleans, to heed 30 years of warnings by the Corps of Engineers that the levees – dams that kept New Orleans dry – could not stand a direct hit by a hurricane. Katrina was only Category 3 when it struck the levees. They failed, as the Engineers had said they would. Gore’s party, not 'global warming,' was to blame for the consequent death and destruction. "

    This information is only part of an article that contains a lot of interesting (and enlightening) stuff--mostly concerning discrepancies in Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." Should you be curious to read the article, it can be found at this web address:

  3. Are you basing your own "global warming theory" on Katrina? There have been category 5 hurricanes since time began. There were category 5 hurricanes before power plants, SUV's, and factories.

    Goofy Al Gore, inventor of the internet too, doesn't call it "global warming" anymore. He changed it to "Climate Change" after this last winter was the coldest on record since the 1920's.

    The Earth's climate is always changing. this planet is:

    1. Not round but in fact more oval shaped

    2. Our orbit around the sun changes

    3. The Earth wobbles as it turns

    These 3 factors have the greatest effect on our weather. The last time The Earth warmed, Greenland was green and the Sahara was a sea. Do you think the dinosaurs were driving SUV's?

  4. have you already watch the documentary of al gore? "the inconvinient truth?"

    this documentary answers everything if your going to believe it or not... i, myself watched the said documentary and it really shows great changes through the passed century, heatwaves and icecaps have gone. i guess we must do something before mother nature strikes on us and end the humanity..

  5. Global warming is real because the earth goes through natrual phases of warming and cooling.

    This just happens to be a warming period that the earth is going through.

    I do think we are speeding up the warming process with CO2 emmision but i dont think we should worry about it because the earth will naturally cool again.

    So we dont really have to go all "green" although it does help the enviorment and in some cases saves us money.

  6. Global warming is real.  I just dont give a S***

  7. There is no correlation to hurricanes.  Blaming a particular hurricane on global warming is pure nonsense.  It may be less than a degree warmer but since we don't know what the temperature would be without CO2, there is no way to be sure.  Katrina isn't unusual in any way.  Hurricanes much larger than Katrina have been striking the US long before people started burning fossil fuels.

  8. the effects are real like those disasters happening all around the world but due to some powerful leaders around us decided to take advantage of this crisis at both ends creating fear within our kind toward all the possibilities for the next 35yrs in a controlled low probability reaction/high profitable outsourcing.eventually balance will be constant in a short period of time which can be predicted over all actions.

  9. In the mid seventies, many scientists believed the world was cooling. Now, just 30 years later, many say it's warming, proving that no one really knows. And don't forget, scientists live and die on funding (grants), so they must continue to kick the global warming can down the road to make a living. Furthermore, natural disasters have been occurring for eons. Hurricane Katrina, while devastating, was more about disaster management and local attitudes of complacency.

  10. Haven't you heard, yesterdays news said that global warming will create fewer hurricanes. Al Gores book has been banned from schools in England by the House of Commons for false/inaccurate information. The Natural Resources Stewardship Project has 17,000 scientists that have signed a statement that global warming is the greatest hoax in the history of mankind. And finally, why would you believe anything a politician tells you?

  11. Katrina delivered the message that hurricanes happen...they are part of natural weather cycles and patterns.  

    Actually many people have called the hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas in 1900 America's greatest natural disaster of all time.  That one happened before there were any cars to speak of on the highways and practically no coal-fired electric generating plants.

    People cite examples and spout statistics and pile them on one after the other as though that was scientifically significant.  It is not.  See my answer here:;...

  12. A.  Hurricane Katrina is not the worst hurricane to hit the U.S. by a long shot.  Hurricane Andrew was much worse.  

    B. We dont have thousans of years of weather data.  200 hundred years of data is not enough to make a determination on global warming.

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