
Why earthing plug in plug is longer and its diameter is more than other two pins??..?

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Why earthing plug in plug is longer and its diameter is more than other two pins??..?




  1. It is longer so it is the first one connected (when plugging it in) and the last one disconnected (when you unplug the device).

  2. It's to ensure that the ground connection is the first connection made before the hot side makes contact.  This helps to ensure that you don't provide the only ground when connecting appliances, etc.

  3. It is longer so that when you pull the plug out, the earth is the last thing to be disconnected.

    It is wider so that it has a low resistance and higher current carrying capacity than the main conductors and so that there is no possibility of it fitting into a live socket terminal.

  4. Because the plug in plug must be longer to plug into the plug in pins.

  5. That is longer since it is connected to ground. The pin is wider so that electricity will be transmitted into it.

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