
Why earths are different colors? Are some earths carry some extra minerals in them?

by Guest59766  |  earlier

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For example red earth carries its color for it has more iron (?)in it?!




  1. I think answered your own question LOL

  2. Most soils have basic colors, brown, gray, black and shades of red to yellow. Almost all the sand, silt and clay minerals in soil have a gray color. Organic matter is black. Most soils have black colors near the surface because of the additions of organic matter from the decomposition of leaves and dead grass. Red and yellow colors in the soil result from iron oxides that coat the gray mineral particles. Bright red colors result when the iron oxide mineral is hematite and more yellow colors result when the iron oxide mineral is goethite. Gray colors are present when neither organic matter nor iron oxide coats the mineral particles. This usually results in soils that are poorly drained. When soils are saturated iron oxides become soluble and leach out of the soil leaving only the gray color of the minerals. A few soils in arid regions may have nearly white layers of calcium carbonate. It is seldom possible to infer the fertility of a soil from its color. Although organic matter rich, black colored soil is often an indicator of good fertility this can be misleading. Some black colored organic material may be too acid for good plant growth and/or lack quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements needed by growing plants.

  3. You are right color of earth(soil) depend upon the different types of mineral present in it.Clay, silt and sand content to an extent also makes the color.If iron oxide is more color of soil is red if more clay content than black cotton soil etc.

  4. I think the correct term you're looking for is planet. Why are planets different colors, since earth refers to the planet earth and there's only one earth. This is confusing...

    I don't know the answer, I just know that you meant planet and not earths. If you didn't then your question has just further confused me.

  5. Red and yellow soils are predominantly pigmented with iron compounds.  Black soils may come from high manganese content or from high organic matter.  brown soils are usually pigmented with organic matter.

  6. Do you mean,, white, red, and white?

    Iron is strong and heavey. Iron gates, as blacksmiths make, are heavey. People eat meat/animals muscles, that contains Iron. The human body can't survive with out it.

    If your talking about biology,...Weirdly enough, the muscle of other animals which we eat,...make us strong, mentally and physically. Is red the color you refer too?

    For example red earth carries its color for it has more iron?...

    ...The only "earth/dirt," that has a red color is in Austrailla. Are you talking about geology?

    Did you mention minerals?  

    God Man!...I'm an artist, more particular when you are asking a question...than mybe I'll paint a picture.

  7. you answered your own question with in the question -- yes the color is cause by the difference material that make up the soil!!

  8. The color of earth (dirt, soil) depends upon a number of factors including the organic matter content, clay content, sand content, and mineral content.  You are correct that red soils are red because of the iron oxide content.  Soils high in organic matter tend to be darker:  consider forest soils versus desert soils.  Minerals and organic matter tint rather bland color combinations of sand and clay.  While pure clay is almost white in color sand varies from light yellow through red (iron oxide, again) to black (volcanic origin).

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