
Why eating of Beef is a Taboo in India ?

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Is there a hidden agenda, an exploitation, deeply religious or purely commercial. These animals are in plenty. Available in all parts of th country. Farmers , the lower castes ( ordinarily poorest of the poor ) are starving. Its time we discard both Sanskrit and this taboo.




  1. I've always supposed that originally the taboo was because, if you eat a cow, that cow is then gone forever.

    If you don't, then you can milk that cow for a long time; and use the males for various tasks (pulling heavy things, farming).

    Hidden agenda? Not likely.

    Taboos have a tendancy to last until there's compelling reason to abandon them; even then, they're resistent to change.

  2. WE ARE INDIANS and proud to be a INDIAN

    COW :- we believe and give respect to cow as our MOTHER

    WHAT do u mean by lower caste and for what they (starving)are STAVE.

    30% POPULATION IN INDIA ARE VEGETARIENS REST ARE NOT but only 12% are USEING beef in there food habits but they are not HINDUS

  3. In India the cow is a very sacred animal and eating it is considered desecration.

  4. In India, cow is considered to be a sacred animal by the Hindus.. She gives milk and the Ox is used for farming

    Many people are vegetarians in India. for them, milk is necessary in their diet.

  5. because they worship cows

  6. I think you have gone too far.

    Sanskrit is a nice language.

    Some of your points are valid. In a country where a considerable percentage of the population find it difficult to have a single meal a day some cry hoarse for the unproductive animals. Some only care for the animals. And they get govt grant and venture out surrounded by security provided govt at the poor man's cost.

    Though I myself is a vegetarian I am opposed to the  idea of forced vegetarianism and I do not subscribe to any religion.Those who want to eat beef or any other form of meat should be allowed to consume as per their choice. The animals upto a certain age should not be allowed to be slaughtered. Keeping the unproductive one for long will be a burden.

    In ancient India eating of beef was not a taboo. In some parts of India, irrespecive of religion people consume beef/other meat.

    One more advice is while you put forward your opinion please try to control your emotions.

  7. Now that India has become highly industrialised, perhaps the need for cowherds and oxen for farming is already coming to an end. Raising cows for leather and beef is probably the slowly incipient factor - weather you like it or not.

    The human mismanagement of the natural feed of these animals for their greed for faster beef production has already killed millions of cows and other cattle world-wide - if it went unchecked, it could have killed millions of human beings too or could produce many incurable diseases also.

    Perhaps we are digging our own grave - if these things go unchecked.

    To live in a communal harmony there are always food alternatives. In a multicultural society there will always be individuals who do not eat - horse, pigs, dogs, monkeys, birds, eggs, fish, insects, meat etc.

    In a democracy, you cannot please everybody - you cannot enforce majority rules on minority either.

  8. Unless I am much mistaken, according to the Hindu belief of reincarnation, the cow is one step below the human. So cows are extremely holy.

  9. For the very lack of civil intellect and culter under development. um think about Iran

  10. The COW is a very sacred being in Indian tradition. It has utmost importance and is holy. Nandini [cow] is the vehicle of Lord Shiva too.

    To ask Indians to eat beef is  therefore prepostrous. Many Indians are vegetarians. They'll live on grass if that necessary  but they won't eat meat especially beef. It's the belief and way of life of the staunch followers.

    Yet, of late we get to see many Indians who have forgotten their tradition and have eaten meat. It is sad.

  11. Holy Cow......I'd love a greasy cheese burger.

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