
Why england wasting lots of monnies on next olympic games wen so many asylum seeker need lots more benefit's ?

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Why england wasting lots of monnies on next olympic games wen so many asylum seeker need lots more benefit's ?




  1. we should really be asking why this country is wasting SO MUCH MONEY ON THE SCROUNGING IMMIGRANTS THAT THIS COUNTRY LETS IN!!!!!!!! we should get rid of the lot of them

  2. Go home youS@D TW@T

  3. Looking at the answers here, it is nice to see the the British are so  compassionate. Seriously though, how many asylum seekers from Iraq have you helped?

    Nice to know you all care more about a sporting event than helping the civilians of a country you helped to destroy.

  4. Spoon time again?

  5. i agree, the poor little darlings need room service at a 5 star hotel and a permanent address to so that they  can claim more money.

    people who are on holiday should be made to hand over their keys

    to any property they  might own so that the government can house

    them when all alternative accommodation is full.

  6. im paying you to sit on your *** all day when i go out to work, makes me feel great getting up at 5am everyday.

  7. Why is England wasting so much money on scroungers when there's a p[erfectly good olympic games around the corner?

  8. Can't be bothered to waste the fingertip wear on this one.

  9. The UK should have no asylum seekers.

    Under UN law asylum should be claimed in the 1st safe country, so people claiming asylum in the UK are obviously economic migrants who are going for the best 'offer'.

  10. if the money belongs to England, in addition to helping asylum seekers with sooooooo many benefits England should be able to have what she wants!!!!!!!! Do you have more claim to my money than me?

  11. Just wondered who could not spell properly - and find out that this guy is famous ... sorry, infamous. Is he obnoxious or just dumb?

  12. silly person, its more jobs for the illegals. We are an extremely giving, understanding, helpful society. In for a penny, in for a pound!

  13. In wind-up mode are we ?

  14. Because in Uk,British people learn how to write English properly, that's something you should do too.

  15. uh oh you again

  16. that very nearly got an intelligent response!

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