
Why europeans are the only human beings who tend to have light eyes?

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please give me a scientifi answer




  1. Blue eyes don't come from one woman.  The genes for eye color are not found in the mitochondrial DNA, and they are not found on the Y chromosome.

    There are at least three genes responsible for eye color.  The production of melanin (not melanoma) is only one factor that determines eye color.  For some reason many high school biology textbooks mistakenly discuss recessive/dominant genes using eye color as an example, where they claim that brown is the dominant gene and blue is the recessive.  It's a bit more complicated than that.  So where do black, grean and hazel eyes come from?  from the mixture of all the possible allelles.

    Light eyes are found in other parts of the world as well.  Remember that famous Time Magazine cover of the Afgahani woman with the peircing greenish eyes?

  2. not entirely true

  3. Melanoma. We don't have the same amount of melanoma as the others. Those with dark eyes, brown, have a good amount of melanoma. We of the blue eyes have less. It shows in the eye colour because it is the symptom of a lack of melanoma. It has been recently researched and found that there is one part of the gene that is regressive and it leads to one female from so long ago that she was here before recorded history.

    Those of the light eyes, blue are all related by this one woman. It is a error in our DNA that is regressive, and it is the Matriarchal DNA that this comes from.

  4. melanoma is skin cancer, and it's recessive, not regressive. and people in the northern latitudes needed less protection from the brightness and ultraviolet in their eyes and skin from the sun leading to lighter skin and eye color through a lack of development of the pigment melanin. The Celts were the ones to spread this gene throughout Northern Europe through the spread of their own population and culture.....

  5. The genetic trait was prevalent in those peoples who settled in Europe; as was red hair.  However, due to millennia of inter-marriage, there are those in Russia, China & Afghanistan with light colored eyes because they have some of the same ancestry as Europeans.

    The light colored eyes and lighter skin was favored for it allowed for greater absorption of vitamin D from the sun, leading to stronger bones. LIkewise, peoples living closer to the equator have darker eyes & skin for the reason that protection from the sun was needed, and plenty of D could be absorbed from the more direct sunlight.

  6. Good question. There has been a population of humans in Asia much longer than Europe, yet all the colours other than black and brown are originally from Caucasians/Europeans, a population group that includes Afghanistan.

    The arguments that we evolved them as a response to lower light levels doesn't explain why you don't get them in North East Asians too, as they are at the same latitudes. Light coloured eyes are supposed to see better in red light, like you'd get from a fire.

    I'm still going with the 'we inherited them from Neanderthals', because they were living in a low light for about 800,000 years and had time to develop that number of mutations. The genetic research hasn't eliminated that as a possibility, in spite of what some papers say.

  7. It has been proven that light-colored eyes are in nature "genetic defects". While lots of people find light-colored eyes "attractive" a study of genetic superiority found lightness in all measures(hair,skin,eyes, etc) a form of weakness in nature for human-beings. This is said to be a reason why the lighter-peoples have in history developed more sophisticated weapons.

  8. People like all animals adapt to their enviroment.  In the north with little sun survivability and reproductions allows for light eyes and skin.  Toward the equator dark skin and dark eyes are needed due to the intense sun.

    In modern society, since most people spend most of their time in doors you can see a mixing and blending of features.

  9. Heh, I literally, ten seconds before I came over here, read the answer to this.  It's fate!

    Recent research suggests that all blue-eyed people have a common ancestor.  It appears that the mutation that allows for blue eyes occurred about 6-10,000 years ago.  Since it happened in Europe, it's the European populations that mostly ended up with blue eyes.  Since it's recessive, it spread slowly, so even where blue-eyed Europeans mated with brown-eyed people from other continents, it'd take a few generations before you'd see, say, Asians with blue eyes.  Grey eyes are a variation on blue, so that explains that one.

  10. sorry love, but your question is misleading, Europeans are NOT the ONLY people with light eyes., the simple fact is kiddies... that the ONLY humans whom have the 'light eye' trait are those humans descended from the original settlers

    here, whom are ... (may I say it with out SHOCKING anyone?)


  11. Technically not true. There is a phenotype that is present (but not too common) in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India that gives a very light green colored eye: much lighter than european green or blue eyes.

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