
Why euthanize a horse so quickly after breaking its bone?

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It seems these horses are put to death so quickly. Just think...for your own opinions. Do not use the "facts" youve learned from the media, or money driven moguls.

How do you know that the horse would not want to preserve its one and only life???

We say its illegal to abuse and "fight" animals because they don't have a choice or say, but we are not giving them a choice to live over dying. We are making the decision for them, that they should die rather than suffer from recovering?

If the horse really knew that running a race could kill him, would it still do it?

If you could ask a horse, just after breaking a leg(still in pain), if it wants to live through the pain of possible rehabilitation or just end it now..Do you really know what it would say..Remember horses have different personalities just like HUMANS.

Remember we really cannot gauge what is bearable or unbearable pain to a horse... We are going by vets words? Doctors say child-birth is unbearable but i dont think a women would want to end it all because of it?

What is unbearable to the animal? Do we really know? Remember, to that animal..its their only life.

As far as cost....How much money does horse racing make?

Technology a problem? Remember we have supposedly hurled massive space craft into space(escape velocty is extremely high)... W have built man-made islands that support an airport and built submersible warcraft that can withstand over 15000 tons of sea pressure, but we cannot find a way to treat a broken leg for a horse?

To us, we can just breed another horse. Put to that horse, Its their only life. I think Barbaro was glad to have risked all the pain and suffereing to have a shot at living.

I think it is inhumane to kill an animal to save costs?

How do you cure, invent, or improve something?...You keep trying and failing....a LOT

We don't even try. We just give up and thrown in the towel. Its easy to throw in the towel when it isnt your life at stake.




  1. I think all you wrote here is beautiful.I couldn't agree more.I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you,but I remember when I was a kid my oldest sister and her husband used to have race horses.Fortunately,nothing happened to them,but I think the horse might not recover perfectly,so then they won't be useful to their selfish owners anymore (animals are kept for all the wrong reasons:showing-off;security system or money-making).Which is depressingg,because like you say...they DO have feelings (and that's a fact,so all you selfrighteous people who are definitely going to bash me for saying this can just go hug a cactus).So sad so much money goes into finding out if there was life in Mars,or into designing the mother of all bombs that will destroy it all,instead of making life easier for the ones that are already here

  2. I'm sure if Eight Belles would've had only one broken leg, there would have been some effort made. I can understand 'experimenting' to try to treat a horse with a broken leg, but, that experimenting has to be done with the horses best interest in mind. There's no way to convey to the horse that the pain may be temporary and that he may heal. There's no way to tell him that he has to stay still in a sling and not put weight on that leg for three months. Even if the horse could understand that, distributing his heavy bulk onto three legs will be painful and will destroy the good leg opposite the one that is bad..

    Since fixing a broken leg on a horse is still just about impossible, it seems like it wouldn't be in the horses best interest to be experimented on when two legs are broken.

    Horses trip and fall whether they're racing or not. Holes dug by animals like groundhogs and gophers kill many horses.. Plenty more horses die that way then die in racing. It's just a terrible flaw in horses that they are just so brittle in some areas. Every species has it Achilles heel. Heck, did you know that tarantulas often die molting? It's a process they have to do to grow and live, yet, many die doing it. I had a 35 year old co worker that was a health nut die of a massive heart attack. Bad things happen. Animals are lucky in that they don't have the capacity to think that far in advance. They can avoid immediate danger, but, they don't put any thought into where they'll be in ten years. Humans on the other hand totally over-complicate their lives thinking about that kind of thing.  

  3. they do it to put the horse outta suffering. and also, people figure that if horses legs' are broken, then they have no use, because they cant ride them anymore. i think THAT'S the stupidest thing ever-just to put it down cause they can't ride the horse anymore.

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