
Why even buy fruit, my hiccups last longer than fruit does.?

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If I don't eat it the instant I get it from the store, it literally rots before my eyes. Why even bother. It's like paying for the premium car wash and then only get a few squirts of soap an no wax or rinse. D**n it. Fruit makes me so mad! I just had to throw away half a watermelon, a bunch of bannanas(which the shelf life is measured in seconds), a canteloupe and a musk melon. s***w you Fruit! You betray me!




  1. well, just buy smaller amounts of fruit! don't buy so much if you know you are not going to eat it. but fruit is awesome. eat it!

  2. You could make a fruit salad when you first get home.  Just chopping everything up and throwing it in the fridge might give you a couple more days.  Or you could try those Green Bag things on TV that you put your fruit in and it lasts longer.  Don't give up on fruit!

  3. wow are you serious? if you dont eat it why do you buy it? you should buy it like thee day you are wanting to eat it and bananas take like a week at least to go brown..if you arent going to eat them for a while get ones that are like really green..and cantaloupe and watermelon come in packs that are smaller portioins because a whole melon is huge for one maybe get those instead if you like those fruits.

  4. Obviously, you're buying overripe fruit and not refrigerating it (other than the bananas) when you get it home.  I agree bananas ripen quite quickly, but that's why I only buy a few at a time and have recipes for banana bread and muffins and cake!  The watermelon, cantaloupe and musk melon should all last a week if fully ripe but refrigerated!

  5. Ahh, but the fruit didn't betray you, you betrayed the fruit!  *laugh*

    Cut it all up and put it on a wax paper lined pan in the freezer.  After a couple hours, dump all the pieces into freezer baggies.  Repeat as necessary.  

    Enjoy whenever you want fruit!  It's great frozen, or blended into a smoothie, or if you just want to micro a few seconds to eat it cold.

    Enjoy fruit whenever you wish!

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