
Why every body when take pen in his/her hand he/she mostly write his/her name why?

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Give me reason Why every body when take pen in his/her hand he/she mostly write his/her name why?

whe he/she not doing any nessesory work.




  1. it is not that al people do write their names they may write their lover or boyfriend/girlfriends names

    they normally write the name of the person who they like the most

    if is a person writes his/her name (In the case you described) it means that he/she has a lot of self respect. Or it may be that, that person thinks a lot about his/her self.

  2. I write somethin else not all write their own name.

  3. You are assuming.  When I get a pen the first thing I do is doodle.

  4. every one is proud of his/hername so this a natural tendency or nature to write a name first. it is the only identyof a person.

  5. When a person is idle with a pen in hand, they scribble their own name as it just comes naturally, without thinking and easily, I guess.

  6. i think its becuse they have so much pride in it

  7. its a natural psychology of a person to recall ones own name easily. so they start scribbling their own names.

  8. I sometimes write my own name because I like to practice writing it so it looks good. I have a bit of vanity. I like my hand writing and it is easy for my name to look nice when written. So, I just rewrite it to admire my work :).

    Also, I think the reason people write their own names is because they think about themselves all the time. I think, I feel, I know, I am... All the information the brain is processing is I, I, I... sensations, emotions, perceptions; it's all about US. So, when we are idle with a pen in our hand and a piece of paper in front of us, probably the first thing we'd think about writing/doodling is our own name.

  9. when person is idle,doing nothing, but that time his mind works with full speed.Straigt away whwn there is pen in hand mind gives natural directions to our hands to write our names or names on things making deep impression  our mind.

  10. sometimes,but not always.probably the reason is psychological.

  11. Most of the kids learn to write their names firstly than others, so they got used to it and it became the first easy word to write and read for them.

  12. its obvious  a person will write  his or her name  to practice  his  or  her  sign or  to make his or her name  in  beautiful design or  pattern

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