
Why every temple has a bell? why we have to rang it when we enters??

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i have travelled to many holy places temples etc. i found it very intrusting to rang the big bell hanging to the celing. why it is so?

why we rang it when we enters?




  1. Ringing the bell clears the energy in the room and helps to clear the mind as well. This is important when beginning any type of prayer or meditation.

  2. coz we need attentions and our god also :D


  3. Bells are placed in temples and other holy places for some reason.

    It is to suppress the sounds of bad words or language,or bad thoughts, and concentrate on the reason for being in the holy shrine.

    There might be places where you can hear women praying together or making a shrill noice. It is made to quieten the negative atmosphere around them.

  4. why do you ring the doorbell when you visit your mates or great aunt?

    out of politeness? to let the folk inside know you are there? or through great mystery?

  5. See If you want to talk to someone or communicate u call out his/her name to get their attention, same way to get God's attention there is a bell in temple, even when we do some pooja/ religious ceremony ringing of a bell is a must- do ceremony. Also Bell is one the pancha bhootas or representing one of the five elements we are made up of, Bell is representing the air element. And if u actually see that we are worshiping  god by these five elements only.

  6. All tempples do not have Bells. Go to any Bahai Temple or Srimad Narayan Temple or any Gurudwara you will not find any Bell there.

    Yes you will find in Shivaits or Vaishnavites temples the bell where idol worship is preformed. People ring it in order to tell the God yes ' I have come open your doors for me, please pardon me for my entry to your house and listen and grant me my request '.

    As people do in case of private houses to announce their arrival and reqest to oppen the door from the host.  

  7. if you had observed that all hindu temple architecture are tapering towards the top. the reason is that these server as places of storing energy,these have been scientifically proved.

    the ringing of bell is to

    > generate vibrations that will help in the easy flow of energy waves that are trapped by the Gopurum(tamil name for the tapering upper portion of the temple). this energy vibrations when hits us instigates a fresh feeling in us that is why people feel rejuvenated when they visit temples.

    > mythically, it is to drive away the evil intentions or the distractions that may divert us from the Lord.

    both seem to complement each other

  8. why there is a bell out of your home, any body cant enter your home without your permission, so how could u enter the god house nwithout his permission, thats why, this bell is to say the god may i come in  

  9. We ring a bell to call the spirits but this sound can be replaced by others. For example in buddhist temples, where there are bells, people do not clap hands, whereas in shinto temples, where there aren't any bells, people call the spirits by clapping hands!

    In my country (Greece) when we drink, we often tap our glass on the table. We do that for the souls that are not around at the moment -- this might be spirits or just people not around :)

    Also the expression 'knock on wood', it's because by knocking on wood you call the spirits that live inside it so they can hear your wish (wood is supposed to be alive and not a piece of furniture).



  11. Before you enter temple - to awake you and prepare you for taste of awareness is the real reason behind temple bell. In other words “it helps to ring to wake yourself Up!” . To an extent Fragrant generators [Flowers, Agarbathis], Low light lamps all form Ecosystem to create awareness.

    Bells had other reasons also, as most of the old temples never had doors and were located near hills and forest there would have been distinct possibilities for animals, insects, birds to take shelter. But bell sound doesn’t allow any of the living creatures to sustain inside for a long time.

  12. if anyone enters temple and ring the bell over there, it means intimating the God of that temple that we came towards u and ur place

  13. No idea  it's sounds silly.

  14. temple is the place of god ,and we rang bell for the porpouse of to avoid the bad powers and ranging the bell of temple ,our mind will be fresh .we forget all the tensions

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