
Why everybody is picking on Ahmadi's today?

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just wondering.




  1. Assalamo Alaikum!

    Eh, we're used to it.  But hey, it gives us specific people to pray for!  

    People usually insult/degrade/etc that which they feel to be the truth or have been taught to not like.  Whenever a Prophet would come, he would always be ridiculed by the people.  His people would always be persecuted.  This time is no different.

    Thanks for the concern!


    Muslim who believes in the Mahdi

  2. This is nothing dear brother.  In countries like Pakistan, they kill Ahmadi Muslims for saying salaam or reciting Kalima or calling the Adhaan.

    Surely it is a sad day when a Muslim would kill another for reciting Kalima.

    May Allah guide the Muslim Ummah, insha'allah.


    @ p**i Chap - If you're going to copy/paste, at least be accurate.  Hazrat Ahmad (as) was born in 1835, not 1839.  His fathers name was Ghulam Murtaza, not Mustafa.  And if you still think that Hazrat Ahmad (as) was an agent of the British, lets see what your Ahle Hadeeth leaders had to say about the British?

    Jehad against the British is just mutiny and is unlawful (haraam).

    [Risala Isha'at-us-Sunnah, vol. 9, p. 10, p. 308; Hayat-e- Tayyiba, p. 296, by Haerat Dehlvi]

    Self admitted sychophants of the British.

    [Tarjumaan-e-Wahhabiyyah, pp. 121-122]

    They named the War of Liberation of 1857 A.D. as Mutiny.

    [Al-Hayaat ba'ad al-Mamaat, p. 125, by Hafiz Abdul Ghaffar]

    The British Rule according to them is better than Islamic


    [Isha'atus Sunnah, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 195-196]

    They kept on praying for perpetual serfdom under the British


    [Isha'atus Sunnah, vo. 9, pp. 205-206]

    They are a plant which the British themselves planted.

    [Risala Toofaan, 7 November, 1962] Mahzarnama 185

    The British are Ulul Amr (viz. "people in authority who must

    be obeyed").

    [Daastaan Taareekh-e-Urdu, by Haamid Hassan Qadri, p. 98]

    They acted as the British agents even outside India.

    [Tarjumaan-e-Wahhabiyyah, pp. 121-122]

    So be careful who you accuse of what.  Hazrat Ahmad (as) merely praised the British for establishing freedom of religion.  Your scholars are self admitted agents of the British.  Allah bless you brother.


    @p**i Chap - :)  Oh you have a keen eye don't you :)  You are right this time.  Since I do not lie I will not deny it.  I did copy paste those references.  However, Allah is my witness that I do not copy paste my responses.  They are ones I have written on my own.  

    In any case, with that keen eye, go ahead and respond to these very clear references from your own scholars.  Why were you guys so keen on helping the British?  Go ahead, if you can. :)

    No one is crying brother.  I'm just after truth.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. Bcoz Ahmedi r Participating as a muslim In Y/A

    And people dont know about them ,So We should educate Muslims

    So they dont fall in their trap.

  4. Good question...I have been dying to poste a Qadyani question since 4 days. Each time I try posting it, :(, Yahoo Answers decides to take a break. I've tried at least 18 times since the last 4 days. No success yet...

    EDIT: Yeah, that's what 1qfac has the propensity of constantly accusing me of. Copying/pasting from 'hate websites' (he means every website which doesn't agree with the Qadyanis. That is his definition of a hate website). Or, he accuses me of planning my questions and answers with other Y/A users behind the scenes.

    Yeah, that's what he probably does.

    I don't. I just have a couple of reliable books which I consult on Qadyani matters. I've practically memoried the more useful sections from those.

    I just found 1 anti Qadyani website until now, and publicly announced it so that other Y/A users could refer to it too. Again, here it is:

  5. I have nothing against Ahmadis. Mainly because I have no idea what an Ahmadi is. To each their own, I'm not Allah I wouldn't presume to take His job and judge.  

  6. Who's pickin.

    Just want to demonstrate how people twists things around.

    When Islam was made, Muhammad (S) did the same to Jew/christian faith.

  7. oh dont worry you can have the whole of tommorw to pick on shia :)

  8. No clue, people arent growing up :)

  9. Because they have to find someone to pick on:P

    Let* the Ahmadis live in peace.

    Give them naseeha if you guys can in good manners.

    loolz@mary. ok don't be mad morrow then:P

  10. Alright, you can pick on pinky instead, if you like.  I am strong girl, I can handle it.  LoL.

  11. Cause they got bored with picking on Wahabi's for now! It's like waves: Picking on Shia day, Picking on Quran Only day, Picking on Arabs day, Picking on Sunni day.... now it's picking on Ahmadiyya day!

    If there would be active Ismaeli's or other sects here, we would have picking on them days too!

    Sooooooooo Ahmadi's are just todays flavour.

  12. SweetPri, an Ahmadi is a person who follows and believes Mirza Gulam, was Mahdi, the Promised Messiah, and he also claimed to be the Prophet in 1901. We Muslims however believe he was neither. We believe Imam Mehdi is yet to come, so is the promised Messiah Jesus (Pbuh), they believe Jesus (Pbuh) is dead, and will not descend on earth again. The Islamic scholars of Makkah, Madina, Cairo and the entire Muslim world declared as apostate, disbelievers, and out of the fold of Islam, him and his followers. He died 100 years ago, but his followers continue to deceive people in the name of Islam. Ignorance from Islamic teachings, and, ignorance from Mirza Ghulam and his teachings is the basic fault, which is exploited by the missionaries of Ahmadiyya. It is the duty of every Muslim to be on their guard against such deception. No Muslim should be allowed to get trapped out of ignorance. Knowingly if someone joins them, then of course there is no compulsion in religion.

    He was born in a village called Qadian (Northern India) in 1839. His fathers name was Gulam Mustafa whilst his mothers name was Chiraagh India at the time was ruled by the British. The war of independence of 1857 and the jihad (Holy War) of Sayyed Ahmed Saeed frightened and scared the British. Because the British were facing difficulties in India they sought for an alternative to real Islam and disunite the Muslims and cool down the spirit of jihad in the Muslims. They saw that their target and aim could only be achieved if they can find somebody amongst the Indians to claim to be a prophet. The British found in Mirza what they were looking for; Mirza Ghulam sold his faith for petty worldly gains and claimed to be a prophet, the Mahdi and the promised messiah.  

    May Allah protect Muslims from the fraudulent doctrine of these Deviant Movements Like Qadiyaniyat and Mehdiviyat movement in the name of Islam. O Allah! Bring ignorant Muslims who have been trapped by them, back to the fold of Islam, let them see what is right and what is wrong and then give them the hidayah to follow the right path. Ameen.

    EDIT: Lol @ "copying and pasting" oh sorry, I got the dates wrong, It's been a long time since I was in  Madrassa (therefore, I was not copying and pasting) Our own ways are the ones we most quickly condemn in others (so you're the copy paster) That's all you ever do brother, cry "copy and paste" and then 'copy and paste' yourself irrelevant links, and verses, from Ahmadiya websites which have no basis or authenticity. Don't be such a cry baby.

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