
Why everybody think the Wings win the cup again in 2009?

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Why everybody think the Wings win the cup again in 2009?




  1. they have all of the good players from last year and they are adding an allstar in hossa.

  2. Because even their fourth line can take down some of the other first lines in the NHL

  3. Because they will be good.  Doesn't mean they will win though.  But can you come up with any reasons why they wouldn't repeat???  Bad injuries and bad luck are the only things I see.  It happens in hockey.  This ain't basketball where the "favored" team always wins.  This is hockey... Anyone can win, anyone can lose.

    But right now there are no injuries and no bad luck because they haven't played, so anyone with a brain can see that since the Wings have really dominated the league in the regular season after the lockout, and just won a Cup with relative ease.  Now they are the same team that won the Cup, except they gained Marian Hossa, and lost the excess baggage that was Dominik Hasek.  Also the other team that made the Finals has really fallen apart, sure they added some talent, but we don't know yet how that will work out.  Maybe they will be better, who knows.

  4. omgg, i don't want them too win again..goshh give it to someone who hasn't won before but you have to play hard to win the year i want to see a team that hasn't won the stanley cup before win. (;

  5. because they just bought the best free agent and they kept their nasty good team from last year...

    goalies could be the only weakness...

  6. they have the same cup winning team plus a few other great additions that will only help them win

  7. The RedWings are a level above most every other team in the NHL only the pens come close and we all seen how Detroit took them down with little effort ,

    barring any major injuries I would say Detroit will win back to back cups

  8. i dont really get wat u mean. are u asking why?

  9. HOCKEY 101

    Teams that have great defence + 3 great lines + 1 above average 4th line + good goaltending and with Hossa the Best PP in the do the math

  10. Because they think they will win 16 games in the playoffs.

  11. Like everyone else said they have a great team and will have almost the exact same team as they did last year plus Hossa and 2-3 young defensemen who are ready to play in the NHL.

    Their only weakness is goaltending but there defense and their whole teams ability to play two-way defensive hockey make up for it.

  12. Because if they won it in 2008, they can clearly win it again in 2009.  Not only do they pretty much have the same team as they did last year, but they have Hossa now.  That team is STACKED!  So yeah, they can win.

  13. they pretty much have the same team that won, and they added another star player ,

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