
Why exactly does everyone hate Bush? Economy is stronger than when he got here. War in Iraq is going great.?

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We have not been hit again on our soil by terrorists. 9-11 had nothing to do with his policies and everything to do with Clinton's policies. My goodness. The man had not even been in office for a year yet. And the liberals blame him for that, too. What is the deal? Where does this contempt come from? Are liberals that bitter?




  1. The economy was actually pretty similar to when he started, as we were in a recession.  

    The reason most dislike Bush is because people feel our government should operate for the people, by the people and the administration's use of executive privilege forgot about the people.

  2. The 'liberals' blame Bush for 9/11 because he ignored vital intelligence.

    I fail to fathom how you believe any war is good never mind the one going on in Iraq and the American economy is in bits.  Look at the value of your currency!?

  3. it seems like the republican party is hiring trolls to stink up the Internet with their last attempt efforts to stop from being flushed down the toilet~!!!

    and unfortunately their are still a bunch of ignorant, too lazy to pay attention as*holes out there that still ain't got a clue to the Fascism that is headed our way~!!!

    i feel for you guys, but geez, we tried to educate ya~!!!

    how does it feel bein all ignorant and blissful, when the rest of us have to do the thinkin for ya~??!!!

  4. That is simple.  The spoiled rotten Democrats have to blame someone for their F#$k ups, and Bush is the easy target.  Also the Democratic controlled liberal media will only tell the truth when it is in their favor.

    You never saw on the Communist News Network the truth about Obama's visit to Afghanistan where he ignored the troops.  They only showed the staged pictures to make him look good.

    Don't get me wrong though, both Republicans and Democrats have their problems, but you can usually talk common sense with a Republican where when talking with a Democrat there is generally no common sense to be found.  It just reinforces the truth that common sense is no match for natural stupidity, and Democrats love to share company with stupid.

  5. Everyone doesn't hate Bush, mostly the children and idiots do.  He doesn't do things the way THEY think it should be done so the hate him for it and the children don't know any better because they learned to hate him from their parents and elders.  It's the typical liberal mindset.

    Many idiots took advantage of Bush's help and bought homes when they didn't have the job to make the payments so now they are losing those homes.  I have no sympathy for them.  I bought a home a little over a year ago and I'm doing just fine with my payments.  No problems at all and it's because I didn't over extend my money like so many do.  It sucks to be a low life living off our taxes which is basically what those losers are doing.  Even with the help that Bush just signed, they are going to lose their homes when that help runs out.  It's not my problem and I don't feel sorry for them.

  6. They need to find fault to reason why they are leftists Dem's have a worse record then rep's check out stat's below!!

    Subject: Military death by ethnicity & by year Interesting Facts.......address for verification included at the end.

    I promise you that you are going to be surprised... amazed at these facts! Considering what the media has been reporting since the beginning of the Iraq war.  This is not so much about politics as it is about how the Media can spin something for propaganda purposes.

          Interesting facts!

              Military Losses, 1980 thru 2007   Whatever your politics, however you lean, however you feel about the current  administration, this report should open some eyes. Military losses,1980 through 2007.  As tragic as the loss of any member of the US Armed Forces is, consider the  following statistics:

    The annual fatalities of military members while actively serving in the  armed forces from 1980 through 2006:

              1980 ...........2,392 (Carter Year)

              1981 .......... 2,380 (Reagan Year)

              1984 .......... 1,999 (Reagan Year)

              1988 .......... 1,819 (Reagan Year)

              1989 .......... 1,636 (George H W Year)

              1990 .......... 1,508 (George H W Year)

              1991 .......... 1,787 (George e H W Year )

              1992 ........ 1,293 (George H W Year)

              1993 .......... 1 ,21 3 (Clinton Year)

              1994 .......... 1,07 5 ( Clinton Year)

              1995 .......... 2,465 ( Clinton Year)

              1996 .......... 2,318 ( Clinton Year)

              1997 ............  817 ( Clinton Year)

              1998 .......... 2,252 ( Clinton Year)

              1999 ....... 1,984 ( Clinton Year)

               2000 ........1,983 ( Clinton Year)

              2001 ............ 890(George W Year)

              2002 ......... 1,007 (George W Year)

              2003 ....... 1,410 (George W Year)

              2004 ..........1,887 (George W Year)

              2005 ............. 919 (George W Year)

              2006.............. 920 (George W Year)

              2007...............899 (George W Year)

               Clinton years (1993-2000): 14,000 deaths & nbsp;          George W years (2001-2006): 7,932 deaths

    If you are surprised when you look at these figures, so was I.

    These figures mean that the loss from the two latest conflicts in the Middle East are LESS than the loss of military personnel during Bill Clinton's presidency; when America wasn't even involved in a war!

    And, I was even more shocked when I read that in 1980, during the reign of President (Nobel Peace Prize winner) Jimmy Carter, there were 2,392 US military fatalities! I think that these figures indicate that many members of our Media and our Politicians will pick and choose the information on which they report. Of course we all know that they present only those 'facts which support their agenda-driven reporting. But why do so many of them march in lock-step to twist the truth? Where do so many of them get their marching-orders for their agenda?

    Do you want further proof? Consider the latest census, of Americans. It shows the following FACTS about the distribution of American citizens, by Race:          European descent 69.12%

    Hispanic ..............  12.5%

    Black ..................   12.3%

    Asian ..................   3.7%

    Native American ... 1.0%

    Other....................   2.6%

    Now... here are the fatalities by Race; over the past three years in Iraqi Freedom:European descent (white) 74.31%

    Hispanic .........................   10.74%

    Black ...............................    9.67%

    Asian ........... ....................   1.81%

    Native American ..............   1.09%

    Other ...............................    0.33%

    I was surprised again... until it became clear to me that the point here is that our mainstream media continues to spin these figures (for political gain). Nothing more!!!

    It's all about politics and some politicians, are now famous for turning American against American for a vote. Consider Hillary Clinton's stump speech after her Super Tuesday 'victory' stating that the current administration does not listen' to anyone and continues the war costing precious American lives. Yes I might even agree with her, but she should be made to acknowledge her own husband's administration, without having an actual war, sent more soldiers to death during his presidency, and is on record of forcing the military to release Osama when we actually had him detained at the time I am not suggesting that any particular political party is necessarily right, there is a lot wrong.  But, I hope that during the time between now and November, that intelligent Americans can decipher the facts from the spin and the spinners from the leaders; those who seek even more power from those that seek justice, the dividers from the uniters.  Over the next months let's be good listeners and see and hear who really tries to divide our nation; and who wants to unite our nation. Who wants to control how our money is spent and who wants our money spent the way we would spend it. Who seeks power and who seeks justice?  Who spins the facts and who is genuine. (Very few are on both sides)

    The above statistics are published by Congressional Research Service, and they may be confirmed by anyone at:

  7. omg...

    if you don't get it by now, you never will...

  8. How was Clinton to blame for 9/11? It is not like he could have done anything to prevent it from occuring being as he was not the President at the time. The President and his staff had been warned on serveral occasions that al-quaida terrorists were in the US and planned to attack 9/11. He was too busy on vacation to read any of the memos. How is the economy better now than it was when Clinton was in office? There was a lower unemployment rate with Clinton, he left office with a budget surplus where Bush will live with the biggest defecit in US history. Clinton did not invade a country on false information and then decide it would be a good idea to spend almost a trillion dollars overseas while the US continues to decline.

  9. Still defending Bush, I see.

    Its amazing the degree of loyalty he inspires in some people.  Even though I think you may really be a troll.....

    I would prefer a president that does not defend his right to torture people, lead the nation into costly bogus wars and supports and defends the Constitution.

    Back in the military, ( Navy to be specific), if something happened on your watch you were the one held accountable and not the person you relieved.  That applies to 9/11.  

    It just gave Bush an excuse to try to create a police state here in the US.

    And why is Osama still at liberty?

    As for your claims about the economy, I will have what you are having.  Maybe you have not noticed prices and property taxes going up, hundreds of thousands  of homes forclosed on and jobs going overseas.

    You need to stop listening to Rush and watching FOX News and get out more.

    I don't waste energy on hating Bush but he even makes McCain look good and that's pathetic.

  10. Because George W. actually got the job done, unlike the democrates who would rather surrender you all to the terrorists than make a stand and don't forget how much Chines money is going into the anti- George campaign via the moslem terrorists that control America now, they have turned son against father and brother against brother.The moslem s have sliced up the American people like a cake and now they are gorging themselves on it and you are about to put a moslem in the white house, who said America wasn't for sale.?

  11. You are right Bush had nothing to do with 911.  His reaction is what most people protest.

    And I don't know which economy you live in I see good people loosing their homes because of bad lending practices by banks which are supposed to be regulated.  When was the last time you had to choose between feeding your kid or putting fuel in your car so you could keep working?

    My son is in Iraq he's not as thrilled with the way thats going either.

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