
Why exactly is Africa so poor?

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Why exactly is Africa so poor?




  1. Africa as a whole 'should' be very rich because they have an abundance of natural resources, diamonds for one.

    Greedy governments are rife in Africa, the politicians/rulers live in huge palaces in a life of sheer luxury whilst the people strive to feed themselves. You only have to look at the likes of Mugabe to see how these Governments/dictators keep their people down and control them with violence.

    Whites were also greedy in Africa, look at South Africa. Whites live in huge fenced off houses with security whilst native Africans walk around in cities often with no shoes on. (that's a sweeping generalisation, there are exceptions of rich black Africans and poor Whites but generally its true). Historically, Africa has been abused by settlers and rulers like.

    Also, nature itself has been unkind to Africa, think of the droughts and starvation, millions of people uprooted from their land and homes, massive unemployment.

  2. Africa is NOT poor, it is a very rich continent, why do you think the Europeans wanted it? The reason the PEOPLE are poor is because of corrupt black government. Rhodesia used to feed half of Africa, now, Zimbabwe, under black rule, it has to BEG for food.

    Also, tribalism & nepotism is a major problem.

  3. Almost anything one says on this is likely to be misinterpreted as racist or anti-third world or something. But here goes anyway...

    Africa is poor because of the Africans.

    Before the colonial powers were thrown out or withdrew, Africa was very prosperous. The British Empire also had colonies in India and Hong Kong, and since independence these have become "tiger economies". And let's not forget the USA, which was also once a British colony.

    Not so the African ex-colonies. This is why I think it must be down to the Africans. It's difficult to blame the Empire when other ex-colonies have done so well for themselves since independence.

    Zimbabwe (used to be Rhodesia) is an object lesson.

  4. mix between oversea companies paying very little for products and governments that don't mind said companies as long as they get a comfortable cut. of course it dost help Africa being one of the most inhospitable places on the planet..

    godamn you capitalism!

  5. Because it's not industrilized, and has low standards of living. Most of that is cause by the fighting of the goverments with rebels. Eg. Sierra Leone

  6. Years of bad government and corruption! Too many wars between the gov't and the rebels. Look up blood diamonds, that was just one bad issue. Many back door dealings and such, money spent on missles etc.

    All of the people that were ruling the country didn't give a c**p about the people and were letting them suffer and starve, and then when people did try to help it was such a huge problem.

    It has nothing to do with Africans being lesser people (because they're not). I can't believe the person above me said that.

  7. Your question is much like mine, why is a continent so rich in natural resources such as Africa so poor?

    I think it's because they don't have an effective way of dealing with tyrant war lords and they haven't kept up with technology.

  8. The governments are corrupt and funnel all the money into their Swiss bank accounts. They don't give a toss about the people that are starving. You just have to go there and see their houses!

  9. Corrupton.

  10. it is the stuture and tribal nature of the country

  11. most natural resources stolen by Europeans and corrupted government.

  12. Guy above was right, watch the movie blood diamond; that should give you a basic idea of why they are poor.

  13. Not so poor. Depends of the government. Except of the South Africa - have a look, for example, Lybia! Do you think they're poor ? ;)

  14. To expand on Mooo..

    What is true poverty?

    What is true wealth?

    Africa is rich in resources, but many lands are ruled by ruthless dictators who salt away billions in overseas accounts & let their citizens starve

    Yet, all thru my 60 years, the most exuberant, enthusiastic folk I've met are Arfican Pentecostal Christians!

    The word enthusiasm is from Greek - en theos = 'in God'

    We Scousers are known as among the best 'fans' in the world - for being mad @ football & music

    It's wiser & more beneficial to be keen on Christ - yet folk call that 'fanaticism'

    Romans 12:1 can be translated as 'the only rational, reasonable response to the wonderful things God has done for us is to be 100% for Him

    The most powerful way to pray is to claim God's "many precious promises"

    For Africans, pray, "May you prosper even as your soul prospers"

    Romans 13:3-4 define duly God-ordained Govt

    God ordains/authorises no-one to reward the evil & persecute the good

    "Woe to those who call good evil & evil good!"

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