
Why exactly is our planet Earth going to be destroyed in 2012?

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Why exactly is our planet Earth going to be destroyed in 2012? People say we are destroying our landfills by not recycling and the ozone layer is getting thinner, but there is so many details to work with, that there is pretty much no possible way in figuring out why our Planet Earth is going to be destroyed by then!




  1. it wont. really. even long after the planet is not longer inhabitable for carbon based oxygen breathing species, the planet will continue to be.

  2. Nothing is exact.

    Besides the earth will not be destroyed but all living matter will....

    Of course cockroaches withstand everything.

    We humans have done so much damage - to be destroyed is our reward = we shall cause our own non-existence

  3. Only god can say when this Earth has come to an end. Meanwhile just live your life to the fullest! :)

  4. It isn't it's a myth.

  5. The 2012 theory mainly responds to the Mayan Village who predicted the end at 2012 thousands of years ago. You can watch this on you tube.. search Mayan 2012.

    PS I don't believe in it just for the record..

  6. It's not grasshopper.  Stop worrying.

  7. global warming is all a load of **** humans only contribute about 3% of all carbon emmisions what they tell you is all just government spin. its only natural for planets to warm up and cool down how do you explain the ice age and the subsequent end of it

  8. its the end of the Mayan calender. it wont end then dont worry. the Mayans did not consider it the end of time just the start of a new cycle in there calender.

    btw the date is 21 December 2012.

  9. ~None of us know what will happen can't just think the world will en in 2012...on God knows the answer to when the world will end or not.~

  10. Four years of Democrat rule?

  11. You can't believe or put your trust in man.  Only God has the answer when the earth will be destroyed.

  12. thank you Gengi!

  13. some hippie on drugs said so. he saw it when his brain left his body and fell into the sewer hole

  14. thats 2 years after i graduate! = )

    I think everyone should do there part! but like whats been said b4 only god know's.

  15. That is not it,,,,,,,,there is a meter headed this way with giant chickens on it,,,,they will eat all the earth worms and the soil will

    die,,,,,,and there will be no food,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...

  16. The Mayan calender system, the Bak'tun estimates the end of it's 26,000 year cycle to fall on 12/12/2012 of our modern calender system.  Whenever you hear someone claiming the Earth will end in 2012, they are referencing   Mayan prophesy, or at least intertwining current trends in our climate and Nostradamus like prophesy.

  17. IT IS NOT....!  

    Many FOOLISH... People have Predicted THIS .... to No Avail!

    ONCE AGAIN....

    Global Warming MEANS "World Wide Warming!" It is ONLY A Political Term = NOT based in Real Science!

    The EARTH is covered by "Three Quarters WATER!" Basic Science, it takes ONE-Btu to raise One Cubic Centimeter ONE Degree Centigrade!

    HOW many "Gazillion Cubic Centimeters are there ONLY on the Surface of Planet Earth COVERED by 3/4 Water?"




    Oh yes, POLAR temperatures have varied LESS Than one degree in the past 100-Years. Noticed I said VARIED, = NOT RISEN!

    Thanks, RR

  18. I dont think the planet will be destroyed? It is possible that it will just change in some way.

  19. You're right; it's not going to be destroyed in 2012.

    That's the hysterical doom-sayers at it again.

  20. global warming....its the answer to everything.

    why did i not do my homework?? global warming


  21. The Mayan calender does not say it is the end of the earth, it is the end of a planetary cycle. In December of 2012 all the planets will line up with the sun and point to the center of our galaxy. Nobody knows what might happen, pole shift? who knows!

    Also the first two planets were in alignment last week, venus and mars. So in closing the calender only refers to a new beginning in the planetary cycles.

  22. The people above are correct about the Mayan calender. But, even if they did say the world was going end, why should we believe them because they did not do such a great job of predicting their own downfall. And its my birthday on the 22/12 so it would hardly be fair for the world to end before my birthday would it?

      However neither of these things mean that we should not take more care of the environment.

  23. Our planet is NOT going to be destroyed in 2012, so there is no answer to your question as to why.

    Some new age idiots say the ancient Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world in 2012 and now every hair brained end of the world story is saying the end will be on that date.

  24. scientist and meteorologists cannot be right always. Meteorologists made a final decision that katrina was going to hit florida, where did it go? it went to New Orleans. god is the one who knows everything, and is the planner of all things. it is his decision if he wants to destroy the earth right now, or in 2012. people cannot say anything, b/c Allah is almighty, and all-knowing

  25. These people have no clue what they are saying!The Mayans were not the first,last or only people to predict the coming of 2012.Our government knows of things that are coming our way! A planet that passes Earth every 3,600 years called Nibiru is approaching Earth again.The last time Nibiru entered our orbit it caused flooding,tidal waves,volcano eruptions,massive hurricane systems,insane tornados,drought and then we went into the last ice age.The schools and stuff are telling people globalwarming is going to cause an iceage and planet destruction.Then why did we have ice ages before when there were no cars,pollution,etc?The ice ages were caused by planet Nibiru entering our orbit and throwing off our gravitational amd magnetics systems of our planet.Lots of scientist know about this.If you live in a city with scientist go ask them about this.Start prepairing food and water and supplies ASAP!

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