
Why female students come school late more often males?

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  1. That's not true at my school.   All the guys are late because they are hung over.

  2. I would say because it takes most females longer than it takes males to get ready which would set them behind!

  3. no, you dance monkey

  4. Because we have to fix our hair and do our make-up.

  5. Well you could go on the time it takes a woman to get ready, but for me it seems most girls have it easier on things. Guys are suppose to be the depenable get things done person and girls are suppose to just look pretty and shop. There are tons of guys who will be late that I know of, also I know woman who will be early. Just the ones who are showing up on time are usually trying to get somewhere else in life and the ones showing up later do not care. Just my two cents.

  6. thats a sexist observation.

  7. we have brains enough to afford the lateness in order to apply our lipsticks.

  8. I go to an all girls school and people are not usually late...perhaps at other schools they are trying to impress boys and it takes too long in the morning.

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