
Why for 3 days has the RNC done nothing but?

by Guest58063  |  earlier

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For 3 days all I've heard are speeches condemning the Democrats and Obama. I haven't heard a word spoken about anything concerning the issues and problems our country is facing, or how the Republicans will make any positive changes to fix our country.

I'm really shocked that they have nothing else to talk about but how awful the democrats and Obama are. What is their problem and why don't they talk about the issues? Any issue?




  1. And I'm really surprised that Obama keeps spouting "change, change," but not one of you has asked him what change he has in store.

  2. 1) Reform public education to give parent's choice of where to send their kids. --Guliani - 9/3/08

    2) Enact responsible energy policy to strengthen economy (Explore and drill for oil, explore for and recover natural gas, ease restrictions on clean coal, nuclear power plants, expand wind, solar and alternative energy) --Palin- 9/3/08

    3) Vow to support allies like Israel and Georgia, and continue fighting the terror --Palin 9/3/08

    4) Reduce earmarks and government waste --Palin 9/3/08

    Just some examples. But you weren't really watching were you. Hack.

    I do wish they would talk about border security and illegal immigration and what their plans are, but that's a HUGE weak point for McCain, so I'm not expecting them to bring that up. That would be like a guy trying to sell a Ford Pinto and pointing out that it doesn't have the greatest safety record.


  3. They believe that the campaign should be about Obama being a socialite politician who is no better than Paris or Britney, and that strategy will help them win.

  4. They have discussed energy and security.

    The rest is up to Senator McCain tonight.

  5. That's all that they've got.

  6. clean out your ears and listen better tonight

  7. They can't win if they talk about the issues.  They have no ground to stand on.

  8. Im patiently waiting tonight for McCain to step up to the plate and say something other than "Obama, blah blah blah, no vote for me"

    However if I don't hear a plan tonight the repubs just lost an indie.  

  9. Because they're full of empty promises and all they can do is attack the other candidate.

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