
Why? (for you philosophers out there)

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  1. Why not?

  2. Yes

  3. because we cant deny the inner urge to have answers to the questions we ask like why. we will always want to know everything and why is the most common question asked about most things.

  4. Because it begins in wonder. And wonder leads to why.

  5. why?


    becuase why?




    porque porque?


    I conclude that everything exists so as to properly define nothing.

  6. because someone besides me said so... and I bought into their c**p before I had a chance to learn otherwise...

  7. As all mothers know, "because I said so."

  8. I spend alot of time repeating my description of the "philosopher's fee" which is the idea that if you go to the well without a bucket you don't come back with any water. If you ask philosophic questions without a PURPOSE, then you come back without any wisdom gained. Setting goals for your philosophic inquiry IS the FEE for philosophy.

    Below is me razzing Yahoo for pointless advice. You can ignore it.

    "Tip: Be as specific and detailed as you can. Use any personal experience or knowledge you might have."

    "You can use research to help support your answer."

    "Oops! It looks like you have 2 misspelling(s)." Can you find them?

    "Did you leave the Caps Lock key on? Using all caps can be perceived as shouting.."

    " looks like you have a lot of punctuation."

  9. im not a philosopher but my answer is because life is life.  

  10. because

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