
Why free-range farming?

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What are your opinions on free-range farming and why do you think it might be/is better than factory farming?




  1. One of the advantages to free range farming which only pertains to animals is the reversion to natural breeding and an introduction of hybrid vigor.  

    Disadvantages are loss of selection, loss of control of the animals, loss of production, increased labor costs, etc.

  2. Free range farming is just raising your animals with free access to pasture vs confinement feeding where animals are confined to a feeding floor or a building or even cages in some cases.   Free range farming is just a better more human way to raise animals.  The problem is that in raising animals the profit margin per animal has become so small it forces the raising of ever larger number of animals to stay in business.  This has lead to a lot of smaller farmers going out of business or going to confinement feeding to stay in business.  In many cases it is raising animals on contract for corporations or packing houses.  This really takes the personal pride out of raising animals and you are just raising them for money.  The trend to get back to free range farming is better for everyone, the farmer, the consumer, and especially the animals.

  3. factory farming feeds animals a corn based diet which is like giving a human nothing but candy and soda all day. when u free range cows get to eat grass which is what they should be eating. they also pump cows full of antibiotics and steroids in factories which we then eat. plus organic meat from free range farms just taste better and are better for u. they have higher concentrations of healthy fats and not the bad ones like factory meat.

  4. Aside from all the benefits listed above, it's also more humane for the animals.

  5. its WAY BETTER

    happy animals having happy lives and becoming tasty for us, then we get to eat em


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