
Why free tibet but not free ossetia you politically correct anti-russian western dogs?

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chechens were free but couldn't stop being terrorists and gangsters so russia had to act




  1. Perhaps because China and Russia have always been the "bad guys", and so America and Europe jumps to assume that Georgia is in the right, despite them invading a region that wants to be separate. The international community likes to dish out national self determination to those they think deserves it, and in wanting to be Russian, the South Ossetians have made the wrong decision in the eyes of the world, and so will not be allowed to be free.

  2. You have spotted the inconsistency in the west's approach to geo-politics. If anything, China has a strong case for its control of Tibet, but they want to press the case there and ignore Ossetia. Then there's Kosovo where the west encouraged the separatists but condemned the Ossteians and Abkhazians for breaking from Georgia. Anyway, Russia has a stronger claim to Ossetia and Abzhazia than Georgia if one were to go by the predominant population, something which the British govt insists in Northern Ireland. There are more loyalists, so NI is part of GB. But not so when it comes to other cases.

  3. South Ossetia is on the Georgian side of an internationally agreed border, but a major part of the population are ethnic Russians.  The Georgians in South Ossetia want to be part of Georgia.  The Russians in South Ossetia want to be part of the Soviet Union, but since that's no longer in existence, independence will do.

    So Georgia tried to impose central government by force.  Russia appears to be attempting to annex the whole of the border area in defiance of international law.  Neither offers any hope for a free Ossetia.

  4. Dogs are so 2006 in China.  Rats are in there right now.

    Many countries are split by modern boundaries, still yet to be sorted out.  In Europe, starting with my own country is Ireland.  Luxembourg is part nation, part province of Belgium.  Macedonia is part nation part province of Greece. Basque is split between France and Spain.  Flanders is split between France and Belgium.  Large parts of Poland were shifted westwards, losing large parts to Ukraine and gaining chunks of Germany.  Doesn't Russia itself have this strange little isolated pocket of Germany in the Baltic?  What about Transylvania, which is Hungarian, but lost in WW1 and systematically raped by the Romanian Ceaucescu?  Ossetia is just one more example of many, split into two when the Soviet Union divided up in 1991.

    The truth there has little to do with liberation struggles and a lot to do with a major problem the West has.  The old Soviet republics of central Asia are awash with oil and natural gas, but how on earth does the West get at them?  Russia knows this, and by strangling the westbound pipelines can dictate whatever price it wants for the remaining world oil reserves, and this can therefore fund the Bling Revolution in Moscow.

    England even had to take on the Georgian flag to win them over!

    And Tibet.  A quiet and massive Buddhist autocracy in retreat in the mountains that has had Chinese imperial civilisation rudely thrust upon it, including the horrors of the Cultural Revolution of Mao Zedong.  Things might actually settle down there when the Chinese realise that if you are to have an empire, you must embrace many different cultures and traditions and ways of doing things and keep them all at peace with one another. Autonomous zones was the Soviet way of looking at it, I believe.

  5. I really could care less about either.

  6. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a d**n".

  7. Because it's only due to the USSR that South Ossetia retains the autonomous area status that it was given prior to the death of Communism and the break up of the USSR.

    It's only due to the old USSR policy of moving people from one area into another that so many people in that area have Russian passports, so technically it's a problem originated by Russia and now aggravated by them.

    Tell this supposedly anti Russian western dog exactly why, if Russia only wants to defend Russian citizens in South Ossetia, has the Russian Air Force bombed targets near Tblisi? Hardly the act of a nation only concerned with the right to self determination of an area of someone else's country, is it? Sure, Georgia should not have been shelling the area, but that does not give Russia the right to invade another nation's sovereign territory.

    And Chechnya was not free. It was part of somewhere it did not want to be part of. It's only because it was part of Russia that you attack them and defend the Russian actions in Georgia.

  8. Hey mate steady on! I really don't care! Lets get our own country right first and look after our own people.

  9. Why not throw Chechnya into the mix? Or could it be that you are as biased as you would have us?

  10. Nobody can deny the fact that Russians are hungry for land and like to annex more lands especially if the people of these regions are weak and can't do anything to defend themselves . why does Russia hold North Osetia if they are not Russians ? and why are they " freeing " South Osetia from Georgia only to annex it to Russia ? Why can't they think of giving them independence for example ? Didn't the Chechnians have the same problem with the Russians ? Why can't Russia leave these smal nations alone ?

  11. The Tibetans saw the upcoming Olympics as a world stage in which to voice their protests.  China has been in Tibet longer than Alaska and Hawaii have been states.  

  12. God bless you.  Tibet is holy country.  Ossetia is not. your language shows that how cool you are.

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