
Why freemasonry is such an evil organisation?

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Why freemasonry is such an evil organisation?




  1. It isn't. Why do you think so?

  2. Freemasons aren't evil, but I think they sometimes might get that reputation because they are considered incompatible with certain forms of Christianity, particularly the Roman Catholic Church.  This is mostly because  the Catholic Church and some other organized religions believed that the Freemasons taught the idea of a deistic and naturalistic God/religion that was in contradiction to Christianity.  And there is of course the idea that all secret organizations are bad because people fear and are nervous about things that they don't understand.

  3. It's Not, learn of it before you speak of it

  4. I personally don't consider fund-raisers and old people evil...

  5. Just because the leaders (33rd degree Freemasons and above) are evil doesn't mean that every Freemason is evil. Truth be told, most lower level Freemasons have no idea what their higher level counterparts are doing.

    Freemasonry in itself is not to be blamed. Like Hitler. Just because he was evil, doesn't mean all white people are evil. It's like that.

  6. It is not an evil organization.  It is an organization of really old men, and it has been dying out little by little.  Their membership is dwindling.

    You should consider the good that Masons do.  The Shrine hospitals provide a lot of free burn and orthopedic care to children.

  7. We are not evil.  You need to stop watching Oprah and Ellen Degenerate.  I've built countless chimneys, walkways, BBQs, and bridges for folks that simply could not afford it.

  8. Know thyself... and nothing in excess...

  9. Because secrecy assumes that there is information that must be hidden from others, outside of the "select few."  Just like in high school, cliques are never cool or for the betterment of the society as a whole.  Knowledge and information should be left for everyone's judgment.  Freemasonry is just another tool to control the choas of the world.  Governments are not enough, and freemasons realized this long ago.  All in all, secrecy is repugnant, and should not be tolerated.  The so-called Illuminati, the globalists, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, all operate in secrecy, and all incorporate the world's richest and brightest, yet leave out everyone else.  They all act like some power structure, where at the top of their pyramid, are a few of the truly enlightened, the one behind the scenes.

  10. It isn't... do you think it is?

    I know why others think it is --- because they believe the lies spread by anti-masons who have no first hand knowledge or experience with Freemasonry.

    To 'amandio':  Freemasonry is just another tool to control the choas of the world... no it isn't, the sentiment behind this is antithetical to what freemasonry is.  there is no Illuminati. freemasonry is not a secret organization and does not operate overtly, or covertly, with any of the other groups you mention.

    To NDDD: actually the Catholic Church had no direct problem with freemasonry, they had an issue with another group that they thought were plotting for control of the people against the Vatican so they banned membership in everything calling them 'secret and evil'... it is about greed and power, nothing else.

  11. See the link below.

    My 2 cents.

  12. You obviously no nothing of the masons then.

  13. Don't base the Masons on what you see from Hollywood.

  14. Right, we only give about 2 million dollars a day to charities, such as the Shrine and Scottish Rite hospitals for children, people that need eye surgery, etc.  Gee, we ought to be exterminated.

  15. What !!! because you know nothing about it doesn't make it evil

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