
Why fuel cells?

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If we don't mind riding around with tanks full of compressed hydrogen in our cars, and if we don't mind stopping at hydrogen stations to refuel them, why why are we waiting for fuel cell cars to be developed? Why don't we just burn the hydrogen to power the cars? The emissions are exactly the same (only water vapor), and we have the technology to start doing that right now.




  1. Simple answer is that compressed hydrogen currently takes roughly 1.8 times the amount of energy it gives in order to produce it. In other words, if using "normal" means of producing hydrogen for our cars then we simply be producing more carbon dioxide, etc at the power plant to product the hydrogen than we would be "cutting back" at the car itself.

    This has long been a problem with Electric Cars with rechargeable batteries. YOU feel better not generating emmisions when you drive but the utility company has to produce roughly 1.9 times the power your using just to charge your batteries (burning coal, oil, etc). You look great at the local Starbucks in front of your friends but your actually Increasing your carbon footprint versus an economical gas car.

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