
Why fuel price increase?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to know..why the fuel increase?...are government have a statistic in this case?..*give a detail*




  1. magnus has it,,,1 demand up because India and china are gaining millions of cars a year [Europe and USA are almost stable] ,,2.. governt controls...3 stricter pollution controls,,on both the fuel and refinery's,,,4 unstable oil producing areas..cause fear.....but not to worry... Hellary will use the strategic oil reserve to lower prices,,,so when a shortage happens we will have....uh...nothing to tide us over!!

  2. 1. Because no one will slap there hand and say knock it off.

    2. Weak dollar value plus inflation which they caused in the 1st place.

    3. No competition since there all in cahoots on price fixing.

    4. No other source of energy, like electricity for battery cars which could be rolling as soon as we complain enough.

    5. A. Not enough people writing there senators saying this is bu!! cr@p.

    B.  And telling them we want cheaper solar panels and battery cars.

    C. And we want the panels on our houses where we pay ourselves so make them affordable.  

    D. And we want to recharge our cars at our houses but will recharge at gas stations when the tech can recharge them in 10 minutes for long trips.  

    E. And we don't want big oil controlling other energy markets they can stick with the dying evil they started, Plus they repress the new technology.

    F. And we don't want big oil contributing to elections because it's the bought off lack of leadership that allowed them to create the hidden monopoly in the 1st place.

    Yeah right Magnus:  2 years ago the price of oil was 45 Dollars a barrel.  REMEMBER...  DO YA.  Now it's 104.  Explain that with taxes.  Taxes didn't go up.  HELLO.

    Also Magnus why the bad rating?  The other part of your argument was higher consumption by China and India.  Most of my answer shows how to reduce consumption of oil.  Get off the cool aid and look at the big picture.

  3. guy, go look up "peak oil"

  4. The price of fuel going up at this time is caused by the shift from winter gas to summer gas and the disruptions in the oil producing countries.  Also, some specters are pushing the price of oil up by about 10%.

  5. It is GW makes a good excuse for the oil co. to charge u more.

  6. Recently oil consumption is lower oil and gas inventories are up. The refineries have cut back production because of this. It has more to do with the weak dollar and investors switching to investment in oil.

  7. Despite the tendency to flock to the conspiracy argument, it doesn't really work that way.  The two basic reasons are too much government intervention, and a global economy.  1)  The government taxes oil extremely heavily.  If we eliminated even half the taxes on it, it would be much cheaper.  The government keeps mandating and subsidizing more production for ethanol, a corn based fuel that is far more inefficient which essentially drives up the cost of oil.  2)  The global economy is consuming more of it creating higher demand, therefore higher prices.  China and India are the two new developing economies that are buying more and more every day.

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