
Why gaining weight is hard??

by  |  earlier

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Im a guy and im underweight [45-50kg,5'7 height]

For some reason my weight stays static between 45-50kg, Never more, never less...

Im not a big eater but i do eat my Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and Whatever junk food i can find when im hungry...

But for some reason.. i get hungry very fast altough.. right after 2-4hrs eating..

Heres a detail of what i consume daily:

Breakfast- 3piece of wholegrain weat bread and a cup of nestum

Lunch[things i eat most frequent]- Rice with meat,vegetable and more MEAT ( so its 2 different meat with vege + rice for lunch)

Dinner[pretty much depands on what my mum cook] - Meat,Vege,Soup + rice

Must have meat in every meal .. except breakfast

Like for today's dinner .. i had KFC

3 piece of chicken

1 mash potato

1 coaslow

and cheese wedges

I know im not a big eater.. but im not trying to loose weight either and im still underweight ...




  1. You mostly likely have what they call the ectomorph body type meaning gaining weight for you is a slow process. Dont eat junk food but eat a good diet, because as you get older weight will come on more easily. You may also want to try lifting weights, because not only will it add lean muscle but muscle weighs more than fat.  Eat good but eat a fair amount...what im saying is..dont stuff your face all day but eat good meals with snacks in between.

  2. It's so hard because your fast metabolism burns calories at such a quick rate. So you need to counter-act that by eating more calories than it has a chance to burn. Try eating more than you do, like a whole other meal.

    If you consistently eat this extra meal, after a few weeks you should be about a kilogram heavier. You may consider weight lifting too, to gain weight in muscle.

  3. You just have a very fast metabolism, either because you do lots of exercise or just naturally.

    Therefore, you wont actually gain any weight unless you eat slightly more than is average for someone your age.


    Take up afternoon tea (with large snack)

    Take up mid morning break (with more large snacks)

    Eat just before you go to bed, because your body cant burn that much whilst sleeping.

    6 meals a day and you will be chubby in no time.

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