
Why gambling is run by the State?

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Many US states run the gambling business (lottery). They take half of the income money and spend it somewhere else (road, education, hospital, etc). How can people allow this to happen?




  1. You're right, this is shameful. How can state governments do this, they're basically stealing revenue streams from the Indian-Casinos in order to spend it on grandiose socialist schemes like free education and health care.

    Where do these red commie traitors get the gaul to do this from? If I paid taxes (rather than hiding my money on the Caymans) I'd demand my money back in disgust.

    Our forefather's didn't fight the British, the n**i, and the blacks, so that we could live in a country where states could spend honest gamblers money on leftist pipedreams.

  2. It just an additional revenue stream. The states use it to make extra money, so they (theoretically) don't have to raise taxes. There's nothing shady about it...they're completely up front.

    Another reason it's run by the states, is so it can be regulated. That way everybody knows that a fair game is being run, and you know that when you win, you'll be paid.

  3. use the tax for other use

  4. It's a wonderful idea.  It is an entirely voluntary tax.

    The money raised is spent on good causes.  Tennessee for example spends much of the money on education, a much needed boost for a state with education levels in the toilet.

    With other forms of tax, people are forced to pay, whether they want to or not.  Even if that money is spent on things they disagree with.  But with the lottery people choose to buy tickets, some people get rich, and those who don't wish to participate don't have to.  Everyone is a winner.  What's not to like?

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