
Why get married???????????

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OK, so this sounds like a stupid question, but I just can't think of any justifiable reason to get married.

Why did you get married? Why would you get married? Why are you getting married?




  1. It's called commitment, and demonstrates total respect for each other, insofar as you both make vows to each other in front of witnesses. I think that creates a stronger bond between the couple, and more of a determination to make the marriage work.

    It seems that most people these days think of it as 'just a piece of paper', so why bother? If it doesn't sound a big deal, then what are they afraid of?

    Also, there is no way, even though there is no social stigma these days, that I would ever have started a family outside of marriage. Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that's the right way.

  2. because i love my husband

  3. If you dont want to get married then dont who cares BUT dont judge or criticize people who are married and happy with their decision or people who want to get married.

  4. I got married because I was in love and I wanted to live with this man and be with him every second of the day.  My whole family is religious and I didn't want to let them or my own beliefs down by living with him before I got married, so I did what was right for me.  On the other hand, my sister is living with her significant other and they aren't married but are very happy.  You just have to do what your gut tells you.  Marriage shows the whole world that you are in it for the long run--loving unconditionally and working through problems.  I mean, I know you can do this when you aren't married... marriage is a statement of love.

    I want to comment to the above comment.  I don't think love fades.  I think lust fades--that strong feeling of love and want.  I think love lasts, but it matures and evolves into many different stages.

  5. I married my husband because I love him and want to be with him for the rest of my life...If you don't want to get married....that is your choice...I think many people don't legally get make it easier to bolt when things get rough in a relationship....

  6. I got married because I was in love. And I knew that I wanted to spend every day of my life with him.

  7. Because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him.


  8. I got married for the wrong reasons, just to get him a visa to come to this country.  We had been together for 5 years, so it was not a new thing.  I never wanted to get married anyway.  I don't believe in a piece of paper saying that you belong to someone!

    I believe that if there is true love, paper is not important.  What is important is the love between you and your partner.  Only then you will find out whether you want to marry or not!

  9. I saw this home-made sign in the front window of a house: -

    "Why bother getting married.  Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house".

    I'm not saying if I agree or disagree!

  10. guess it's to make your love official, but love fades.  

  11. well someone's a chirpy little ray of sunshine. to be honest, i know what you mean. i'm not married, i'm way too young but i don't see why someone would get married and waste all that money on a big fancy do (not that it has to be fancy, small ceremonies can be sweet) if they've been together a really long time and are going fine. i spose they get married for love.

    if they're catholic maybe they get guilted into it. the whole living in sin thing.

    if i ever get married i'll tell you. the answer then would probably be just as unhelpful as this one.

  12. Your question is like asking why work in X profession.  People marry for a whole host of reasons.  Most marry because they're in love.  To some it's a matter of religious or cultural belief.  For some it's because someone got pregnant.  Some marry as a matter of convenience.  Some marry to attain citizenship in a different country.  Ask 1000 people and you'll get half as many answers.  Some people choose to never marry and that's fine... it is a matter of choice and isn't required by any law.  Just go with what is right for you in your life and you can't go wrong.  It really doesn't matter what other people use as their justification.

  13. I was with my ex husband for 10 long years of hard labor!  LOL!  Seriously though, I will marry again when I KNOW it is right.  I have been dating an AMAZING man for almost 2 years.  We have both been divorced before and have agreed to take things slow.  We enjoy a great relationship and will marry one day. I think the key is to not marry as long as there is any question in your mind.  When the time is right, you will know it.  Until then, don't do it!  It is painful, expensive and gruesome to end a marriage.  I think the reason for it is to show to the world you are willfully committing the rest of your life to someone.  You also have tremendous financial incentives for being married (tax, social security, benefits, etc).  Why are you asking?  Are you being pressured into more than you are ready for?  If so, run now.  When anyone tries to push you into something you don't want, that is an attempt to control you.  That is not the foundation you want a life time commitment built on.  Trust me, I learned the hard way!  =)

  14. legal benefits  that is the best reason. Inheritance, legal protection of joint property, legal protection for children, Social security and insurance benefits

    Oh yeah... Love

  15. I  got married because I wanted to spend my life with this man.  We had been living together for 3 years, which is OK.  But being legally married cements the commitment.  It states beyond all doubt that you two fully intend to be together for the long run.  We went through some rough periods in 23 years of marriage, and I honestly  think if we were not married, I would have walked away.  Thankfully I was forced to stick it out and I'm very happy we worked through our issues.  You get married to make a real decision to stick it out through the good and the bad.

  16. We've been over this question at least a dozen times in the last month at home!

    People get married for lots of different reasons, but not always good reasons.  "Because it seemed like something I was 'supposed' to do" is perhaps the silliest.

    I want to get married to the man I'm with not because of anything someone else thinks or some society's convention.  I want to marry him for the chance to stand up in front of God and everybody and make a promise to stick with this man that I've chosen - for eternity.

    I also like the idea of having bragging rights - I can't wait to say to someone, "See that hot guy over there?...That's my husband!"

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