
Why get on a vollyball team that hates u?

by  |  earlier

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why do i get the people on my vollyball team mad at me 4 no reason? they just are so redickulas if u ask me.




  1. well, if you miss they ball, or just don't hit it well enough, or maybe don't do what you are supposed to, they might get mad at you.

    or if you are ah-mazing, and they suck, they might be jealous (that happened to me & my friend)

    or they are just stupid. :]

  2. They might be jealous of you... don't worry what they think just play volleyball and deal with the drama later.

  3. either your not giving enough effort & you need to give it all or, you give a lot of effort and there jealous!

    for me its the 2nd one! just play your game and dont worry about team mates behaviour. Be nice and ignore their rude comments & rumors!!

  4. ROFL redikulas im pretty sure its spelt Ridicules

  5. Well, sometimes the love for the sport is the only reason you need to stay on the team...

    You're lucky to be on a team and maybe the only reason they hate you is because they're intimidated by your skills...


  6. my friend and i were on the same team with these friggin boys(we were the only girls, and in 6th grade) and i broke my finger from when i played football and i couldn't it the ball. they kept saying we never tried, but i couldn't because i had torn the tendons in my finger AND broken it! They got all pissed at us! But there is no reason they sould get mad at you...especially if you try! good luck with the team!

  7. it's possible that you are playing at a level inappropriate to your own. depending on who you play with, sometimes effort is not enough. i suggest you either play with people more like you, or improve your skills some more.

  8. well i don't mean to b a pain but i've had girls on my teams in the past who didn't do there part and weren't out there to win or to try and improve as a better player....they were just there to goof of and suposedly have fun....but if U r continually getting put on teams that don't seem to like u its probly because u may not be keeping up w/ there standards!

  9. be friendly to them

    maybe they are angry because of your attitude

  10. Sometimes if you are way too aggressive, running after each ball, hitting the ball over no matter whether it is your teams first or second hit... you could get people mad at you saying "do you know how to play team sports?"

  11. i was on a vball team and they hated me, alot, but i played the season out and tried my hardest and the next seasons ome girls came to me and said that i put so much effort in and that they wanted me to join them for the next season, and so i did, and i have become amazing friends w/ some of the girls

  12. its your choice wether you play or not...Decide!!

    would you rather play the sport or not deal with people?? Your going to have to deal with stupid people all the time so why not just suck it up!!??!

    in the end it is your choice.Sorry if ii sound a little rude, I am an athlete I PLAY FOR THE SPORT,NOT THE TEAM!!

  13. to make them mad  o- :-)

  14. Thats aquestion you should really ask yourself.

    Are you trying hard enough

    Are you scared of the ball

    do you move your feet

    How can I be better at this game so I can totally kick someones butt with a nasty spike is a good question.

  15. i think it is hard to be on team when you kno people are mad at you b/c then there is no team work but if you love the sport then don't worry about them do what you love if it makes you happy

  16. lol do u miss the ball a lot ?

    ppl usually get mad if u do dat =P

    best of wishes to ya!

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