
Why girlfriends always jealous when boyfriend talk to other girls?

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Why girlfriends always jealous when boyfriend talk to other girls?




  1. would you be jeaous or have a problem if your girlfriend was always talking to other guys or being with them? there you go i solved your answer.

  2. They become suspicious

  3. needs to grow up,, i am never jealous of my woman and she goes out dancing with other guys,, i hate dancing

  4. Because you are a flirt and your girl is ugly...?

  5. Cause and effect, The girlfriend is either insecure or boyfriend has planted a seed of doubt. Sometimes when we get an overwhelming dose of emotion positive or negative it charges our mental battery and we light up so to speak. Boyfriend may enjoy the overreaction girlfriend makes and has become overt in his behavior to solicit the jealous reaction. Both need to grow up and decide on what is th superglue of the relationship, love or pathological need to hurt each other?

  6. they think that the boy is flirting with the other girl , cheating with the other girl, or trying to start a new relationship with the other girl.

  7. cuz they think ur flirting with other girls.

  8. Because guys have a d**k.  We may start with our mouth but we always fantasize how it will end.  Unfortunatly that's probably how you got your girlfriend in the first place

  9. maybe of a bad experience

  10. I don't get it either. I never get jealous when my boyfriend talks to other girls... I think it is because they are insecure about themselves... And think that their boyfriend will leave them for the other girl...

  11. I agree with K. I think most girls are ok with their boyfriends interacting with other females, but if the boyfriend has a history of cheating, of course they are going to have a problem with it. Who wouldn't.

  12. women never trust their men with other women. ..coz men are the weaker s*x... !

  13. First you will admire a grl with their speech and diction.... IT is the possessiveness they show only on their guys not to miss them.....If you have

  14. we girls tend to think your flirting, but if you tell your girl friend to come with then its all ok

  15. Girls are not jealous, they are surprised that you haven`t learnt from your past mistakes......

  16. bc she love you and want you to be just for her and not even a look on other girls ok

  17. they think they are trying to get something going with the other girl mainly s*x or a relationship.

  18. It's the same for men when there girl chats to men, don't worry to much about it! It depends on how you take it compliment, or sign of paranoia... don't allow each other to be paranoid... you will end up hurt!

  19. from my experience, it is about trust

    i have had boyfriends where i get really jealous everytime they even mention another girl

    and i've had boyfriends where i am fine with them hanging out with another girl one-on-one

    it is about your particular girlfriend and how she perceives how likely you would be to cheat on her or have feelings for someone else

    the best thing you could do would be to talk to her about it - try finding out WHY she is jealous? is it something you are doing or maybe it is just very hard for her to trust ANYONE.

    if it does have to do with you, try winning her trust and respect first, then she will be comfortable with you talking to other girls.

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