
Why girls want Nikah? What is difference between Nikah and Mu'tah? s*x?

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Rasoolallah (saww) never ever order on his own.

Quran 53:2] Your Companion (Muhammad) is neither astray nor being misled.

Quran 53:3] Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.

Quran 53:4] It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:

Quran 53:5] He was taught by one Mighty in Power,

If Mu'tah was allowed, it must be from Allah.




  1. Key word- WAS.

    It was allowed but not anymore.

  2. My friend  i'm working on muttah  subject not in a position to answer  I think it's halal yet i need to work  on it .

    Long live  knowledge which is from God  

  3. Alhamdulillah.

    Mut'ah was prohibited by the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) after the battle of Khaybar.

    Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 527:

    Narrated 'Ali bin Abi Talib:

    "On the day of Khaibar, Allah's Apostle forbade the Mut'ah marriage."

    That's the difference between those who follow the Sunnah and those who are Rafidi.

    See Rafidis, you are even disobeying Ali (RA), it's there in Bukhari...and we know how you all believe in Bukhari.

  4. salam 2all...

    wot it comes down to is that ur sick in ur head...

    how would u like it if someone did this to ur mummy or ur sister???

    or someone who u love???

    NO u wouldnt not like it...

    so why u thinkin that its ok to have s*x with womans like the u thinkin!!!

    nikah is the only way...

    all other ways r haram...

    if someone did it to ur sister or someone than youll feel the pain big time...

  5. Girls don't want Marry for s*x Only for few hours !

    Girls are not a game in hands of Horny shias men !

    the difference between Nikah and Muta is the difference between Normal Islamic Marriage and Prostitution !

    why is Mutah Haram ?

    read this

    and for shiite dude

    are you stupid or something?

    first Muta was banned by the prophet

    and read the link above to see the Hadiths !

    and to know what is Misyar and the difference between it

    read this  and Note Misyar is not allaowed by Muslim scholars from saudi Arabia and there are many fatawi by great Ulama like ibin baz and ibin othaimeen say Misyar is not Allowed

    anyway read



    As-Salam Alaykum,

    What is the difference between “Mutah” of the Shia and “Misyar” of the Sunnis? I have heard many Shia defending Mutah by accusing Sunnis of believing in Misyar which they say is a very degrading institution. Can you please tell me what is the difference between the two, and how do we respond to a Shia person who says this?

    Answer by Team Ahlel Bayt:

    Firstly, the Shia scholars believe in the permissibility of Misyar. So all these silly e-Shia propagandists are making fools of themselves by demonizing Misyar. The permissibility of Misyar marriage has been stated on the official website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani. We read:


        Is it permissible to do Misyar Marriage ? What is opinion of Sayed Sistani regarding this?


        In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

        Assalamu Alaykum

        The rules of the marriage are stated in the fatwaa books; hence, if the required conditions are satisfied then it is permissible.

        Wa Alaykum Assalam

        (source: The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani)

    Secondly, Mutah is temporary and so it is like prostitution. Instead, Misyar is permanent and is therefore a marriage. So this is the fundamental and monumental difference between Mutah and Misyar. In Mutah, a Shia man pays a few dollars to have s*x with a w***e, and they are “married” for less than one hour. On the other hand, Misyar is permanent and lasts forever. In fact, it is Haram to contract Misyar if you have the intention of divorce. So it is the same as Nikah (i.e. it is Haram to have the intention to divorce when you marry that person).

    So what is Misyar? Misyar is simply when the woman voids her right to be financially supported by her husband. This makes common sense: how many of university students today can relate to this? The man is still in university and can therefore not support a girl financially. Instead of getting into a life of sin, the two get married and the woman voids her right to maintenance so that they can get married.

    That is all. That is it. Nothing at all similar to Mutah.

    Mutah = temporary = prostitution

    Misyar = permanent = marriage

    This craze to equate Mutah with Misyar is one of the desperate attempts of the Shia propagandists to conflate simple issues, just like they conflate abrogation with Tahreef. This is to hide their embarrassment over their filthy religion which allows women to be rented by the hour.

    Another major difference between Misyar and Mutah is that the Sunni scholars have stated that Misyar is discouraged whereas the Shia scholars actively encourage Mutah, claiming that a woman who whores herself out in Mutah to two men will be forgiven all her sins and enter Paradise.

    Once again, there is absolutely no comparison between Misyar (which is permanent) to Mutah (which is temporary and can last for even one hour or one day).

    Now for the asker

    do you have a sister which is free for Muta this weekend?

    don't worry it's Only one Night and i will drive her back home .


    emm even though i don't have a sister nor a brother

    but lets say i have a sister  she is a Muslim

    she can't do Muta she believe that Muta is Haram

    but you are saying Muta is Halal

    what's so wrong then ? i will marry your sister Halal

    Muta for one day

    Halal way !

    your sister will reward for it !

    and she will love it also because Italians do it better  ; )


    lol @ Najis

    so Muslims are najis in shiaism is that mean i can't do it

    with your sister =(  Bad news?

    lol i do have two cousins both of them are non practicing Catholics but they are not prostitutes they won't accept Muta!

    i do have Muslim male cousins and they can do Muta

    so again how i can do Muta with your sister as Muslim

    she think I'm Najis?or ahlKitab ?


    No my father is from Zuwarians kind of Amazigh

    and my mom also from Lombards

    But Are you sure of your biological father since your Mom practiced Muta ? and since Muta is Halal in shiaism?

    I answered all your questions

    but you didn't?

    why ?

    lol !!

    are you sister free for Halal Muta this weekend?

  6. Okay we get it you want an Islamic validation for having unconditional s*x, there you go.Now all you need is a horny partner.

    Edit: Why girls want Nikah? What is difference between Nikah and Mu'tah? s*x?

    I don't know about your girls but normal girls don't get married for the sake of s*x and only s*x.

    Edit: what answer are you talking about?

    Edit:I'm married

    Edit: I know where you're going with that so let's just say I deleted it just because.

    Edit: Now hold on guys, what's wrong with you !!!!

    MNS, Osama I'm no sister of yours.

    Osama I wouldn't ask for you even if you were the last man on earth.

  7. و أحلّ لکم ما وراء ذلکم أن تبتغوا بأموالکم محصنین غیر مسافحین

    They are the same And both are from Allah...

    And muta was Banned by second Khalifa Omar...

    Before that

    why did Asma Bin Abu Bakr did it? For evidence, refer to Tafseer Mazhari Qadhi Thanaa Allah , page 577.

    Sunnis What is


    Can you explain me please


    Iam Ok I have given you the reffrence you can check it...

    Your balmeing the Prophet noting else Wahabie trolls

  8. Girls do Nikkah cuz they want husbands

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