
Why give a really fat lady a mobility scooter???

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Is there some kinda messed up logic behind this??? wouldnt it be better for her to walk, i mean shes about 35





  1. do u care if she's big? if she needs to get around then thats it. my mom has a scooter and i ride it together we are at least 200 but we are both in our hundreds and skiny. she must not care about that she need to get around with gas prices out of hand!

  2. You just might be "missing something" .  It is possible that her obesity is a genetic disorder.  Morbidly obese people suffer a miriad of health problems.  When you are severely overweight, the heart has to work 2-3 times as hard.  More times than not, the overweight person has difficulty walking, breathing, and generally getting around.  Yes, excersize would be beneficial, but there are those who cannot. Think about this...compassion goes a long way , instead of judging.  Do you know her circumstances, or are you just passing judgement based on her appearance???

  3. Medical Condition!!

  4. Yes you are missing something  -  It's called common sense.

    It is fairly evident that you do not know, or deem it necessary to divulge, the history of this person.  So do not pass comments like that without giving a reason why you believe it shouldn't be allowed based on actual facts.  Also she has not been 'given' a mobility scooter she has chosen to either buy it or use her benefit payments to get it.

  5. Probably because it's the PC way to do things .

  6. did she get a free pass to mcdonalds aswell, lol.

  7. Well I don't know that persons circumstance but I do know that the NHS paid for a mobility scooter for a local alcoholic who has difficulty walking through years of alcohol abuse. She has a liver problem but the NHS will not help fund one for our elderly neighbour who cannot walk due to old age.  She has to fund it all herself on her pension. I'm assuming that the alcoholic probably gets more money from the government than my neighbour does.

  8. Maybe she cant walk for other reasons than the obvious one that she is too overweight. Don't judge everyone so quickly

  9. bcause obesity has become a "disability". they might as well make lazyness a "disability" too.

  10. Well, since you skinny people are very quick to make assumptions, maybe I can offer another reason.

    Being over weight is very hard on the body and especially your joints.  Yes, she should try to loose the weight, I'm not agruing that,  but the bigger you are, the harder it is to move around.

    Chances are that she has already done alot of damage to her joints and my even have arthritis in her knees, making hard and painful to walk.

    For all you know, she maybe on a diet.


    She maybe overweight due to some other underlying condition.

    For example... my sister was physically handicapped.  When she was younger, she didn't have much trouble walking or running.  But as she got older, it became harder for her walk as her handicap became worse.  She got a scooter in her late teens.  After she got the scooter, she started to put on weight because she wasn't moving as much but because of her handicap, she couldn't move as much.

    So, don't be so quick to judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. coz the world has gone mad! they would prob give it to a morbidly fat women quicker than someone with an actual disability! its disgusting! give her a tred mill thats what i say!!

  12. If someone is fat AND has a mobility scooter, she may have bought it herself, but if it was provided by the council/goverment, then there must be reason.

    Perhaps she can not walk.


  13. As She has a mobility scooter it should be obvious that she is unable to walk any distance.

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