
Why global warming doesnt exist?

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I am doing a research project on why global warming doesnot exist. any help?




  1. Global warming does exist in some way or another, the debate is to what degree mankind is causing global warming.

    Republicans believe GW is a natural occurrence and cannot be stopped no matter how high our taxes go.

    Democrats believe if we conserve and find more efficient way to produce energy and increase taxes, we can slow down or mostly stop GW.

    I believe GW is caused by the sun which is 1 million times bigger then the earth, and the sun goes thru shrinking and growing cycles, and we feel the affects of these cycles on earth, but who is too say the earth is not warming because it has been cooling for a long time and is now getting back to normal? Anyway there is no alternative energy source that will replace fossil fuels and there is plenty of oil in the earth.

  2. The fictional work " An inconvenient truth" seems to suggest with very loose noisy data, that a global warming trend may exist.  Of course no rational scientist would support such flimsy evidence, in light of the fact that we already know that the earth's climate is cyclical.

  3. GLOBAL WARMING DOES EXIST! There are scientific tests proving that it does. Watch an Inconvenient Truth!

    There is no scientifically valid mechanism for carbon dioxide creating global warming.

    When an ice age begins, global Warming occurs exactly as it is doing now. Heated oceans cause precipitation to increase. Eventually, increased snowfall will reflect away solar energy and trigger a cool-down.

  4. Why don't you try a project on something with a better factual basis?  I suggest one of these:

    - Why the Earth is the center of the universe

    - Why the alchemical system of earth, air, fire and water is better than chemistry.


  5. The sun is getting hotter, the ice caps on mars have melted.

    The only reason people blame industry is because they have to live near it.

  6. Natural warming does exist and nature is far more powerful than even skeptics believe.  Conveniently left out of the equation is the tremendous heat source from within the earth - this is what warms oceans and drives ALL weather in earth.  Study the El Nino & La Nina effects.

    It's not Global Warming,  it's Ocean Warming :

    "The crust is only about 3-5 miles (8 kilometers) thick under the oceans(oceanic crust)"  That's 1600+++ degrees - that creates volcanoes, drives geothermal power plants as well as an unknown amount of small surface vents and UNKNOWN numbers of undersea vents:

    "The team estimates that in total there could be about 3 million submarine volcanoes, 39,000 of which rise more than 1000 metres over the sea bed."

    The Sun has far more different types of emissions than 'warmers' want you to know about - the most important being 'Interplanetary Magnetic Fields' - which can be monitored here: =

    Even NASA acknowledges 'Sun Spots' and their ties to 'solar minimums' = Maunder Minimum  -  But they only look outward not inward where the earth's heat is.

    The historical effects of solar minimums where great portions of the human population died from serious cold.


  8. Research shouldn't start out with a desired conclusion.  If you really want to learn something and do a good job on your project, you should have an open mind, research the evidence for and against, and then right about your findings.

  9. Well ... the earth is in an "interglacial epoch" where glaciers have receded, and we are warmer than the "little ice age" in medieval times.   (We are technically already in an ice age since glaciers still cover the antarctic and greenland.)

    So it is likely the earth has warmed up over the past 10,000 years.

    The question is, does burning fossil fuels that emit carbon dioxide significantly contribute to this warming.

    The simple answer, no one knows.  The data are ambiguous, extremely noisy, and how water vapor/clouds figures into all this is not modeled by computers.

    Temperatures today are within normal variance of past climate changes, so this question may never be answered.

  10. The temperature of the earth has risen by .6C over the past 100 years.  It is a tiny amount, but this has happened many times in the past, and will happen many times in the future.  It is a cycle caused by solar activity.  

    A left wing outfit has grabbed the media and their minds, and those of many people.  The main doomsayers in North America at least are not even climatologists, but want politicians who don't agree with them tossed in jail.  Ideas like this come right from the n**i-Germany handbook.  David Suzuki, Canada's fear mongrel for global warming, used those words in a speech here last week.

    They are very scary people, and the scariest part is that people have fallen for them and are giving them lots of money to further their lies and achieve their devious goals.

  11. Basically there are rays coming Thur the earth from the holes WE make .    TAKE CARE OF YOUR EARTH PEOPLE!!!!!!

  12. Well then, good luck with that. If you discover that it doesn't exist, please inform NASA, NAS, AGU, NOAA and all the other scientific organizations around the world that they are wrong.

  13. Two opposing concepts Global Climate warming-verses-Global Climate cooling.You really can't have one without the other.There's no such thing as a constant stable/static environment.Some tropic locals come close,but they are even influence by many factors some man made and some natural.If your trying to reach a high note consider the plausible factors.Some areas of science contradicts other areas,even with modeling it's still left up to human discern as which models fit into their ideology.Many environmental factors and some man made can't be modeled or need to be readjusted for new science.Some of these include ie; Global dimming.oceanic memory,the draw down dynamics of CO2 sequestration,continental shift,and sunspots.This is just a small list and many more exist but are ignored.

  14. GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING NOW!!! Can you do your research on why global warming exists?

  15. GW exists and is a natural cycle.

    AGW is as of yet unproven theory, nothing more.

  16. Global warming is happening and is observable.

    The question is why.

    Climate change is happening.  It is particularly affecting poorer countries where communities who used to be able to grow their own crops can no longer be self sufficient.  A few years ago the governments throughout the world set up the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change made up of hundreds of scientists who had relevant knowledge and were working on the subject and asked then why.

    They have issued, so far, four reports and their current conclusion is that it is highly likely that the main factor is global warming caused by less energy being radiated from the world than being received and that this is caused by the so called greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide and methane - being released into the atmosphere.

    Of course this conclusion is unpopular amongst certain circles and although most countries have signed the Kyoto protocol to try and do something about it, US, China and India have not.

    I thought that doing a research project meant keeping an open mind but if you have already decided your conclusion then you should make a case for why the IPCC have got it wrong.  Good luck!

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