
Why global warming is a big problem?

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Which countries are the most responsible for global warming?

Ecollogically, what do you think the world will look like in 50 years?

What do you feel that the U.S. Government can do?

Do you have any plans to contribute the earth ecollogically?




  1. It isn't a problem. The present global warming may be due to man made CO2 but I see no reason why its EFFECTS should be any different than past natural warmings, and those past warmings were beneficial to life in general.

  2. a) Global Warming has been attributed to natural and unnatural causes. The "unnatural causes" are caused by the following nations: China is by far the largest pollutant nation. It's economizing agenda has resulted in massive outputs of pollution. Other large Western Industrialized nations have relatively large emissions ie: USA, Germany, UK

    b) at current rates in 50 years acid rain from pollution will devastate our plant life. Floods from shifts in oceanic currents will destroy every coastal city. Decaying O3 will        allow for more UV radiation into the atmosphere. CO2 and O2 cycles will be imbalanced.

    With 70-89% of plant life gone, devastation will work its way up the food web. Small forging animals and progressively larger predators will die out. Large numbers of extinctions of mammals would occur.

    c) the best thing the US can do is to plead the UN to MANDATE all nations to cut pollutant emissions. If USA cuts its only, nations such as China will still be throwing billions of tons of pollution into the atmosphere annually.

    d) recycle, lobby politicians , and spread the TRUTH*

    * some years ago scientists were divided whether or not global warming was a problem. In recent years, the mainstream scientific community has acknowledge that global warming is in fact a problem and that human activity does in fact contribute to it. There are a few rouge scientists that believe such is not the case but that is always the case.

    *alert, Ive read some other answers and there is a horrid misconception that "warmer is better."

    Warmer climate, by as little as .9-1.1% will devaste delicate balances that have developed on the Earth. For one example take our melting icecaps. O

    -ok the ice melts, coastal cities get flooded, whoop-di-doo. That is not all that happens. See, the ice caps are 99% freshwater. As they melt, millions - billions of tons of freshwater pour into our saline oceans. This reduction in salinity disrupts the oceanic currents. These currents directly affect the air above them. So as these currents are disrupted or halted, so too would our global trade winds. Weather would be radically disrupted and human civilization would be in utter ruin.

    warmer is not better!

    natural warmings have indeed occurred in the past, but these were all during times when only animals were on the Earth. Civilization was not present. Beneficial for biodiversity? Yes. Biodiversity is not an issue given that we are humans and humans are the Earth's dominant species.

  3. I hope you might have seen the movie 'DAY AFTER TOMMOROW'. If you have not seen I will tell you what is global warming.

    Global warming is a is phenomena in which ice caps melt due to the release of green house gases like CFC,CO.

    Due to the melting of ice caps in polar regions there will be rise in the water level due to this the land areas may sink in water.Global warming causes many climatic changes. Countries that are responsible for global warming:





  4. Is it really a problem at all?

    A lot of people need to assess that one thoroughly.

  5. that is 4 huge questions

    you cant do that ask one at the time

    each of these is a page long text

    and if you check questions already asked you will see thousands of similar questions  that have all been well answered

    i will answer the last one

    check my best answers ,that is what i do here ,;_ylt=AkOj...

    and i talk to farmers about sustainble farming,water harvesting ,reforestation and organic pest control

    to kids i talk about Environmental awareness

    and i have made some parks and a lot of gardens

    until recently i was working for a department of ecology for a Mexican municipality ,and before that on a citizens council to clean up and protect a large catchment area of a river

    And in the garden where i sit now we have a lot of visitors to whom we sell the idea that nature is our friend


  6. I don't know that % of blame has been assigned to each country, however, it is known that the US consumes more gasoline, coal and natural gas per capital than other countries, so is a big contributor. That said, the US has made great strides in cleaning up emissions than many others (other than CO(2)).

    CO2 is also contribited by Brazil and other dense rainforest countris as they claim land and remove CO2 filters, aka trees. CHina is growing fast, and dirty.

    Everyone else contributs to it also...EVERY country with people that burn, consume, break wind and raise animals.

    We can do little things to clean it up, but in my opinion, it is inevitible that the climate will change do to the overpopulation of the earth

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